3 Ways to Cancel a Member's Plan

Article author
Duncan from Memberstack
  • Updated

This article will cover cancelling a member's plan as an admin in the dashboard and as a member on your site.

You can also manually Change a Member's Plan or temporarily Pause their Subscription.

Cancel Recurring Plans via the Dashboard

TLDR: You'll need to locate the member in Stripe and then cancel their account there. Here's how to get there from the Memberstack Dashboard. Watch the 60-second video below. 

1) Navigate to the members page and select the member you want to cancel.
2) Click "Plans and Permissions"
3) Click "View in Stripe"
4) Click the little "X" to start cancelling the subscription.
5) Select your settings and Confirm. 

Cancel One-time Plans via the Dashboard

This can be accomplished inside the Memberstack dashboard. Refunds will need to happen in Stripe. Watch the 60-second video below. 

1) Navigate to the members page and select the member you want to cancel.
2) Click "Plans and Permissions"
3) Click the edit icon on the plan you want to cancel.
4) Enter the name of the plan and click Confirm. 
5) In order to issue a refund you'll need to click the "View in Stripe" button and issue the refund from the Stripe dashboard. 

Allow Member's to Cancel Via your Website

Members must cancel their subscriptions via the Stripe Customer Portal. 

1) Create a button or link on your site and add the data-ms-action=”customer-portal” attribute to launch Stripe Customer Portal.
2) When a member clicks that button, Memberstack will launch the Stripe customer portal. All of the member's subscriptions will be listed with an option to cancel.

Note: If they do cancel their plan, they will have until the period ends to renew their plan

See how it looks in the 60-second video below. 


Known Issue

Cancelling and then changing plans. 

1) If a member sets their subscription cancel "at period end" and then attempts to switch to another plan before the subscription is fully cancelled 2) then the Stripe Customer Portal will open 3) but not display an "Update" button. The customer will only see a "Renew" button. 4) The customer has to renew their subscription and then go through the process again. 

We reported the issue to the Stripe team, they confirmed it is a bug, and are planning to fix it. No ETA as of Dec 14th 2022


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