A. Create an Account While Applying
Step 1 → Allow members to create an account, but don't put them on a plan or grant access to any content doesn't grant access to anything. We recommend redirecting new members to a "Pending approval" page where you explain the process.
Also, you can use our Make or Zapier integrations to send yourself and/or the member an alert when they sign up.
Step 2 → Once you decide a member is approved, you can manually change their plan or ask them to purchase a paid plan via a members-only pricing page.
Note: Memberstack does not send emails on-plan-change at this time. You'll need to alert members by email if they're approved or denied.
B. Create an Account After Applying
Step 1 → Have members submit a standard contact form (this is nice because you'll receive an alert when new members "sign up").
Step 2 → Once you decide to approve a member, you can send them a link to a secret sign-up form or manually add them to a free plan on your site.
Keywords: approve, approval, apply, application,
So our ideal workflow is as follows:
User fills out application > Adds billing information > Goes to pending > We approve the application > Paid plan added (or paid plan access activated) > User billed or begins 30 day trial
Is this possible to set up? I'm not seeing a way to add paid accounts through the API
Thanks for posting Philip 👋
How long does it take you to review applications? I wonder if Memberstack's free trial feature could be useful here? We don't have the exact feature you're requesting, so I am worried anything I recommend will feel like a workaround 🤔
Also, what percentage of applicants are approved? I like your idea of charging users to apply and then issuing a refund if they are denied. But that could get expensive.
I definitely think we can make the free trial feature work. The biggest issue I'm seeing is the approval process and preventing access to login credentials/premium content until the user has been approved or declined. I'm diving deeper into this but are there any workarounds you can think of in the mean time?
Sweeeeet! I'm happy to hear it.
Idea: what if you created a paid plan with a trial called "Application" which doesn't grant access to premium content? This would be your pre-approval plan.
Then, once approved you can swap our their plans on Stripe 🎉
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