One-time payments, digital products, and lifetime access.

Article author
Duncan from Memberstack

One-time prices are perfect for one-off sales, limited or lifetime access to content, or charging customers without generating a subscription.

It's important to note that they work differently than recurring plans. Here are a few things essential things you need to know: 

Create a One-time Price

One time prices have an amount, an optional setup fee (which appears as a separate line item in the invoice), and an optional expiration (at which point the plan will be removed).

Note: You cannot combine a free trial with a one-time payment. 

Screenshot 2024-10-23 at 10.15.15 AM.jpg

Launch the Checkout

Use data-ms-price:add="PRICE_ID" to A) prompt new users to create an account & checkout and B) launch the checkout for logged-in members.  

  • You cannot use data-ms-price:update with one-time payments. You can only add a one-time plan. 
  • Cancellations must take place inside of the Stripe Customer Portal (tutorial). But members usually won't need to "cancel" a one-time plan. 

Refund, Cancel, or Remove a Plan

You'll need to issue the refund in Stripe and revoke access to content in Memberstack. 


Navigate to the Members page in your dashboard, select the member, click "Plans & Permissions," and then "✏️ Edit" the one-time plan. 

This will launch a confirmation modal which you can use to remove the one-time plan. Enter plan name and press "Confirm & Remove."

Repeat Purchases

Members can to purchase the same one-time plan multiple times. If you want to prevent members from making multiple purchases, you can use gated content to hide the button from members who already have it. 


Customers can view and download past invoices in the Stripe Customer Portal.  


Upgrading From Recurring to Lifetime Access

If a member signs up for a recurring subscription and then wants to "pay once to upgrade for lifetime access" their recurring subscription will not be cancelled (by default). Luckily, we have a feature called Plan Logic, which allows you to automatically cancel all or specific recurring subscriptions when they upgrade.  


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  • Comment author
    John Matias

    How do you cancel / remove access to gated content when a member cancels a one-time paid plan? 

  • Comment author
    Duncan from Memberstack

    Hey John Matias! Good news, we just updated the UI so that you can manually remove a one-time plan from a member 🎉 See the new section above titled "Refund, Cancel, or Remove a One-time Plan."

  • Comment author
    Julian Ghadially

    Does the one-time payment price need to be configured in memberstack or can I use an existing stripe payment page?

    Stripe has a nice feature where the customer can determine the one-time payment amount. This is useful to me because my customers need to pay for services, which vary based on how big the job is. In theory, I could sell credits instead, but credits aren't ideal because then you have to explain credit to dollar conversion, etc.

  • Comment author
    Duncan from Memberstack

    Julian Ghadially unfortunately we don't support pay-what-you-want pricing yet. I'm looking forward to the day we do 👍


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