How to Sell Multiple Products / Subscriptions

Article author
Duncan from Memberstack

This article is under construction - please leave your comments and feedback below.

In this article, I'll explain (at a high level) how you can efficiently sell and gate lots of products with Webflow. 

  1. In Webflow, create a CMS collection called 'Products’ 
    • Your collection should contain your gated content OR links to gated content. 
  2. In Webflow, create a static page with a collection list referencing all products.
    • Think of this as your dashboard page. By default, it includes links to all of your different products and plans. Once a member logs in, Memberstack will display only the products that the member has access to. 
    • Be sure to gate access to this page in Memberstack, and don't include any links to it from your public site. 
  3. In Memberstack, Create some gated content for each plan/price

Voila, one dashboard page with the hide/show based on the Memberstack subscription settings.

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  • Comment author
    Michael Sweeney

    I would love to be able to sell individual products and track sales using membership login. I'm selling products exclusively accessable to members

  • Comment author
    Duncan from Memberstack

    Michael Sweeney Thank you for the comment! What are you currently using to sell products? Are you hoping Memberstack can be your "all-in-one" e-commerce tool, or do you want to pair it with another solution?

    To be 100% transparent, we haven't dug into the e-commerce use case very much yet. We don't have any integrations or a cart experience, so while it's an option to use Memberstack for selling products, it really only makes sense in certain situations. I.e. Selling templates, online course, and other store types where one product is purchased at a time. Hope that makes sense, and I'm happy to answer any follow up questions you have. 

  • Comment author
    Robert Navaille

    One of my subscriptions has some a-la-carte upgrades; hoping to find a way to let someone choose one or more of those options within the same flow. 

  • Comment author
    Duncan from Memberstack

    Robert Navaille Thanks for posting!

    Does this article answer your question?

  • Comment author
    Versa Machinery

    I'd love to use Memberstack to manage our customers' experience on our new site (currently in Webflow dev). 

    We sell single or multiple quantity physical products to national/international customers. We currently use Stripe for payment processing on our old WP site, but on our new site we will need a tool so customers can select a part as a "favorite" & have easy access to those parts in their personal dashboard for reorder.

    We also currently offer percentage discounts based on quantity of parts they purchase & we would need that functionality as well. Basic CRM functionality would be great too but not as essential as part favorites & bulk discounts.

    If Memberstack 2.0 has support for these options I'd love to learn how to set it up. If it doesn't currently support these options, could you please recommend the software stack that could handle these? Thank you very much!


  • Comment author
    Duncan from Memberstack

    Versa Machinery Thank you so much for leaving a comment for us!

    I wish I had a better answer for you, but I'm worried Memberstack won't be the very best fit for you. It's possible you can get it to work, but e-commerce sites with physical products has historically had a harder time with Memberstack 🤔 We've mainly been focused on simple subscriptions and digital products for now. 

    That said, I usually recommend Jetboost for like/save functionality. 

  • Comment author
    Alice Glasser

    Hi! Maybe I'm missing something... but I cannot set specific gated content for each price on one plan right?

    I have a plan called "Courses", and then have all our online courses as separate prices.

    I can't seem to use the price attributes to hide/show for the members who have purchased that course... if that makes sense.

  • Comment author
    Duncan from Memberstack
    • Edited

    Hey Alice 👋 You'll need to create a unique plan for each course. It's only possible to set a gated content at the plan level. Prices are there so you can change up the payment frequency (monthly, yearly, etc.) without needing to duplicate your settings. 

  • Comment author
    Stanislav Alekhin

    Hey Memberstack Team, 

    I run a website with multiple tourist guides. Let's say I have 100+ of them.

    Can I use Memberstack for the booking and payment tools? Users choose a city and a guide and book a session. 

    Thank you! 

  • Comment author
    Duncan from Memberstack

    Hey Stanislav Alekhin 👋

    Do you have an existing website that I could look at? With the info you've provided - yes! It is possible. However here are a few important things to note

    1. You will need to manually create each product and associated gated content.
    2. Customers can only purchase one travel guide at a time. 
    3. You will need to integrate 3rd party booking software. 

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