In this article, Nicolas breaks down two custom code snippets you can use to block access to content after a certain number of seconds have passed. After reaching the number-of-seconds-on-page threshold, the user will get kicked to a page of your choosing.
Block Access from Non-Members
In this article, Nicolas breaks down a custom code snippet you can use to block access to content for non-members. In other words, all members will have access and will not get redirected.
You'll want to add this code to the Footer or <Body> section of any page that appears in your list of pages (0:33 in the video above).
function redirectAfterSeconds({ seconds, pages, redirectTo }) {
if (typeof seconds !== "number") {
throw new Error("seconds must be a number");
if (pages === "*" && window.location.pathname !== redirectTo) {
setTimeout(() => {
window.location.href = redirectTo;
}, seconds * 1000);
} else if (Array.isArray(pages) && pages.includes(window.location.pathname)) {
setTimeout(() => {
window.location.href = redirectTo;
}, seconds * 1000);
window.$memberstackDom.getCurrentMember().then(({ data: member }) => {
!member && redirectAfterSeconds({
seconds: 5,
pages: "*", // defaults to all pages or you can pass an array of pages ["/page, "/page"]
redirectTo: "/access-denied"
Block Access Based on Plans
In this section, Nicolas will show you how to block access to content based on a member's plans.
Copy and paste ONE of the following code snippets into your site's Footer or <Body> section of your site. The first will redirect members who DO have a plan in the list. The 2nd will redirect member's who DO NOT have a plan.
Redirect If Member HAS a Plan
const PLANS_TO_TRACK = ["pln_cl0vdsu0w000308jnh6lkd7bn", "pln_cku4gsei0000209l2hj3fdb4l"]
function redirectAfterSeconds({ seconds, pages, redirectTo }) {
if (typeof seconds !== "number") {
throw new Error("seconds must be a number");
if (pages === "*" && window.location.pathname !== redirectTo) {
setTimeout(() => {
window.location.href = redirectTo;
}, seconds * 1000);
} else if (Array.isArray(pages) && pages.includes(window.location.pathname)) {
setTimeout(() => {
window.location.href = redirectTo;
}, seconds * 1000);
function checkForPlans({ plans, filter }) {
return plans.some(plan => {
let hasPlan = filter.includes(plan.planId) && plan.status === "ACTIVE"
return hasPlan
window.$memberstackDom.getCurrentMember().then(({ data: member }) => {
let plans = member?.["planConnections"]
if(member && plans) {
let hasPlans = checkForPlans({ plans, filter: PLANS_TO_TRACK })
hasPlans && redirectAfterSeconds({
seconds: 5,
pages: "*", // defaults to all pages
// but you can pass an array of multiple pages ["/page, "/page"]
redirectTo: "/access-denied"
Redirect if Member Does NOT Have a Plan
const PLANS_TO_TRACK = ["pln_cl0vdsu0w000308jnh6lkd7bn", "pln_cku4gsei0000209l2hj3fdb4l"]
function redirectAfterSeconds({ seconds, pages, redirectTo }) {
if (typeof seconds !== "number") {
throw new Error("seconds must be a number");
if (pages === "*" && window.location.pathname !== redirectTo) {
setTimeout(() => {
window.location.href = redirectTo;
}, seconds * 1000);
} else if (Array.isArray(pages) && pages.includes(window.location.pathname)) {
setTimeout(() => {
window.location.href = redirectTo;
}, seconds * 1000);
function checkForPlans({ plans, filter }) {
return plans.some(plan => {
let hasPlan = filter.includes(plan.planId) && plan.status === "ACTIVE"
return hasPlan
window.$memberstackDom.getCurrentMember().then(({ data: member }) => {
let plans = member?.["planConnections"]
if(member && plans) {
let hasPlans = checkForPlans({ plans, filter: PLANS_TO_TRACK })
!hasPlans && redirectAfterSeconds({
seconds: 5,
pages: "*", // defaults to all pages
// but you can pass an array of multiple pages ["/page, "/page"]
redirectTo: "/access-denied"
Great ! I guess we could combine that with a condition on the membership of the user
Yes indeed! Nicolas Scott actually mentioned to me that he'd be working on scripts to handle plans in the near future.
Is it possible to use it on CMS pages, so that the code would use plans IDs from CMS fields and videos would be blocked on individual pages depending on a user's plan?
Woah, cool idea! I would need some time to wrap my head around exactly how it would work 😅 Do you have time to setup a prototype? I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work. (But yeah, a prototype is the only way to know for sure)
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