Signup Link on the SSO Login Page

Article author
Duncan from Memberstack
  • Updated

I'll show you how to add a sign up link to your Memberstack SSO login page.

That page, by default, doesn't have a link. We did that on purpose. Some sites don't need it and, well, we don't know the address of your sign up page. If you want to add a link to your sign up page, read on. 

Adding a Sign Up Link

  1. Go to your Memberstack dashboard and click Settings on the side menu.
  2. Scroll down to the Signup URL and paste in the full address of your sign up page (include https://).
  3. Click Save.


Testing Your Link

Now test your Memberstack SSO login page. Refresh the page. You should see a new link under your log in button.

Click the Don't have an account? link. Your signup page should open.


That's all.

Now you know how to add a custom sign up link to your Memberstack SSO login page.

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