How to save course progress for users in a Webflow site protected by Memberstack? Answered

I’ve creating a site that combines Articulate (Course LMS), Memberstack and Webflow. The Articulate course has been exported to web and hosted on a Github repo which is linked in a Webflow CMS and gated with Memberstack. The only problem is that the course data isn’t being saved once a user exits. Would this be possible to set it up with Memberstack to be tied together for each user? Happy to provide a Loom with a better explanation ofgoing through the setup. Let me know if you have any other questions

This is what their rep said:
Hi Luca,
When you use the Export to Web publishing feature, it is not being tracked. The web export example I shared for Johns Hopkins was not a use case where they needed tracking, they needed to share the content from their website public education and did not need tracking information. When learners/website visitors visit the online course, their progress is not saved.
There is not a way to track the course published for web distribution from Articulate 360 content creation tools. This is because you can confirm clicks on a website but it doesn’t provide a system to track learner progress.
I used the Reach LMS as an LMS example, however, if you need tracking, and you need your learners to be able to resume a course, you’ll need to publish the content for a system that can track elearning content, such as an LMS (which would not track the export to web course version, and would require a compatible published format, like SCORM).
Thanks in advance!!



  • Comment author
    Raquel Lopez

    Ok... Let's see how can I answer to this in simple terms...

    Anytime that you want to save user generated data you need to know there's gotta be somewhere that it's going to have to store it. Let's call it a database. The moment that you export something from its original platform, it's most likely that you loose access to their database. So it's exactly what happened here. You exported static content from Articulate. They do a "dynamic" tracking that's only available while the page is opened, but if you hit refresh or change pages the content is going to be reseted because these actions are not saved anywhere.

    So to your question. Is there a way to integrate it?. Yes, most likely. But it adds much complexity that I would recommend you to check with a developer first or evaluate a different platform.

    1. If you don't plan to export courses anymore from this platform, you can have created a little custom program that tracks the main actions and save the information in Memberstack Json fields (this would act as a database). This program should be run and connected to Memberstack from the github repo because the content shown in Webflow is called from an iframe.
    2. The other option is to crate a server compatible with the SCORM, as they suggested, that's connected with MS that would host the content generated from the platform. That way anytime you create content you make sure everything is compatible. I'm not too familiar with this option that would require more research

    I hope this answer is enough for you to understand what would be your next steps to take 🙂

  • Comment author
    Chukwudi Onyekwere

    Hi Luca,

    For this task, I’d recommend using the JSON feature to save the user's progress.

    You might find the following thread helpful, as someone was looking to achieve something similar: [View Thread]

  • Comment author
    Luca Defreitas Hansen

    Hi Raquel Lopez, thank you so much for that in-depth description! Greatly appreciated. Looks like it’ll have to be a solution using Memberstack JSON fields as Chukwudi Onyekwere mentioned (Thank you as well!). However that example it quite different to the configuration I’m looking for. I want the course progress to save automatically which seems like Raquel’s first option covers. Are there any resources to connect Memberstack from Github repo?

  • Comment author
    Raquel Lopez

    I’m assuming your repo hosts a lot of html and css. You’ll need to make memberstack available in each page that you call as an iframe. The repo only hosts the files is not a plug and play connection. So you’ll need to create a program that runs in there when the user is watching the page


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