How to save Finsweet filter search parameters to a user's JSON file in Webflow?

Post author
Jacob Bursell


How do I make it possible for registered users to save a search query? I'm using Finsweet filters (text fields and select lists). Finsweet also has a library for using query paramters. I figured these query params could be saved to the users Json file, and than used to populate the filter fields. But I really have no idea. 

Many thanks



1 comment

  • Comment author
    Chukwudi Onyekwere

    Hi Jacob,

    We have a MemberScript that might be helpful for your need: Add Items to Member JSON. Additionally, you may want to explore other scripts we offer here: MemberScripts for possible solutions to your use case.

    Julian Galluzzo, do you have any other suggestions or a more refined approach?


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