How to update workflows to use v2 APIs before the March 2025 deadline? Answered

Post author
Nicklas Glad

Hi, so I just recieved this e-mail and honest to god, don't know what I have to do. Can someone help me here!? 

Hi N******
We noticed you used Memberstack, which uses Webflow's v1 API in the past 30 days. We wanted to make you aware that Webflow has delayed the migration from API v1 to v2, from January to March.
Please make a note of the following key dates:
  • March 17, 2025: Timed shutdowns on v1 API calls begin, causing intermittent failures.
  • March 31, 2025: Complete shutdown of v1 APIs.
To ensure uninterrupted workflows, please update your workflows to use the v2 APIs before March 17, 2025.



  • Comment author
    Baurice Ley

    I just got the same mail. Do we have to switch from memberstack ? do yo plan to switch to Webflow v2 API ?

  • Comment author
    Nicklas Glad

    Hey Baurice, I'm not sure what to do here :'D I use Memberstack for user accounts and functionality on my site. I think the guide Webflow made to migrate to v2 API doesn't make sense, I have no clue what to do haha.

    Webflow, please reply to this and make it more clear what to do!


  • Comment author
    Baurice Ley

    Nicklas, I don't think that we need to do something. As I understand, Memberstack do use Webflow v1 API in their backend and they have to migrate to migrate to v2 version, whai they didn't do for now. We're waiting and just hoping that the memberstack team will do that asap.

  • Comment author
    Chukwudi Onyekwere

    Hello Nicklas 👋 
    Thank you for reaching out! 
    Ah yes, that email is actually for our dev team. You don't need to make any changes, just us. 
    Have a nice day! 

  • Comment author
    Joshua Windatt

    *Maybe this should be an email to everyone 👀. Definitely confused little old me - especially after going into the install code and still seeing "v1".


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