How to handle failed Stripe one-time payment webhooks without using retry delays? Answered
any recommendation how to handle one time payment?
idk why this always error because in stripe we only activate one webhook.
existing solution is using retry, but i didn't satisfied with that because we need to wait for 1 minute
Hey Rafli Ogun, what is the value you have assigned in the Sleep module? Usually such errors are handled with appropriate delay modules, if you face such error with the existing sleep module, you could try increasing the time of delay a bit more and see what's the sweet spot to avoid such errors with minimum time of delay.
actually sleep module not affect anything. before it i'm not using sleep is still got error, then when i add sleep 1s it's still error
Yes, so could you try adding more seconds of delay? Delay of a bit more time should give us some time between stripe calls and it should eventually avoid such errors. Make sure to check how it performs after changing the delay seconds and see what's the minimum delay that is required to ensure we don't face such error everytime.
how long time needed for this? any recommendations?
This actually depends on each use-case and how much stripe is gonna be used and active in the back-end. But usually a minute or two has been enough for my clients in the past, but feel free to take a trial and error approach and see what time works for you personally.
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