How to trigger Make automation when a free plan is assigned by default in CRM member signup? Answered

Post author
Théo Roland

Hello everyone !

There is something I don’t understand.
I’m using Make to add Member with a Plan on a CRM when they sign up.

I work with two Plans : 1 Free and 1 Paid.
My trigger in Make is “Added Member Plans”.

When a user sign up with the paid plan, here the event log :

  • Member A created
  • No plan affected to Member A by default
  • Plan added to Member A

When a user sign up with the free plan, here the event log :

  • Member B created
  • Free plan affected to Member B by default

For the free plan, there is no event for “Plan added” so my scenario Make doesn’t start… How can I fire an event for the free plan?



  • Comment author
    Raquel Lopez

    The add plans trigger only triggers after the member has been created. Paid plans are assigned after member has triggered "created member". The thing is you can assign a free plan on member creation. That's where you're getting the conflict.

    You could solve it in many different ways. You can create an automation that assigns the free plan after member creation (instead of assign in the same member creation event). You can assign the plan after a successful onboarding in the frontend as well

    Or you can create a custom webhook in Memberstack dashboard to track both events (member created and plan added) and add it in Make as a trigger.

    You can also create two different scenarios, one for member creation to track free plans, and the other for add plans that would add the paid plans (make sure to add the necessary filters).
    In conclusion, just understand how the event work in Memberstack and make adjustments either in Make where your tracking the triggers or in Memberstack to make sure it triggers depending on your listeners set
  • Comment author
    Théo Roland

    Thanks for your explanation Raquel Lopez!
    I understand better what’s happening 😉

    In the future (2-3months), I will have multiples free plans and multiples paid plans.

    • Free Webflow Course
    • Paid Webflow Course eLearning
    • Paid Webflow Course BootCamp
    • Free GSAP Course
    • Paid GSAP Course eLearning
    • Paid GSAP Course BootCamp

    I can’t create an automation to add specific Free Plan to a new member because the new member, without plan, has no infos telling me if he is here for the Webflow Free Course or the GSAP Free Course.

    If I create a custom webhook tracking both events in one webhook, it will fire twice for every paid users (created + plan added), consuming twice the amount of Make tasks. Am I right ?

    It would be so much easier if paid plan and free plan would work the same way.
    Member Created + Plan Added.

    There is no way to tell MS to never affect a free plan by default to a new member, but always add the plan after?

  • Comment author
    Chukwudi Onyekwere

    After a member is created, you can use the 'Get a Member' module to get the type of plan the created user has (Free or Paid), and then route/fire an event based on the condition.

  • Comment author
    Raquel Lopez

    If I create a custom webhook tracking both events in one webhook, it will fire twice for every paid users (created + plan added), consuming twice the amount of Make tasks. Am I right ?

    Yes and no. As I understand triggers don't consume operations. But you can create filters so the operation don't continue proccessing if filters check don't pass.

    It would be some much easier if paid plan and free plan would work the same way.
    Member Created + Plan Added.

    You can set it set a free plan in Memberstack with an onboarding path, when member completes the onboarding gets assigned the free plan.

  • Comment author
    Théo Roland

    Hi ! Here the solution I used, not the best one for sure, but the only one working for me.

    For a while, I thought that “Plan Logic” would be the solution.
    I created a “triggerFreePlan” and an “officialFreePlan”. User signing up on the landing page would have signed up for the “triggerFreePlan” and I would use Plan Logic to “add the officielFreePlan” when “triggerFreePlan” is added. BUT. As free plan are created with the new member, they are not added. Plan Logic wasn’t working for this reason.

    I tried to put on paper every use cases and imagine every Make Scenarios. (cf screenshot). And the solution if Member creation and Plan addition were separated.

    Finally, I decide to have 2 Make Scenarios tracking 2 events in LiveMode + 2 Make Scenarios for TestMode

    Thanks for your help Raquel Lopez & Chukwudi Onyekwere!

    I still think that it would be great to have an event log for a free plan addition when a member is created
    Duncan Hamra 🙏


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