How to efficiently manage multiple educator portals in Webflow without creating duplicate pages for each instructor's content? Answered
Hello friends, how are you doing?
Query / advice, I have launched my web app for educators who want to give students access to private content to their cloud.
I am managing it with the memberstack plans from the name of each educator and hosting the emails inside each folder for each corresponding educator.
I plan to manage it this way, because that's how I really know how to do it today. I'll duplicate the folders and put /educatorname, and then give access from the plans.
The only bad thing about this method is that I will need a lot of pages in the webflow project because I will have to customize each portal.
This is handled with CMS? or the method I'm doing is correct (it works).
Hey Boggan null, have you considered using Webflow CMS to have lessons / chapters in a collection and link them to the educators in a different collection. For example, like how blogs and authors can be linked to each other.
If you have a collection based system in place, you won't need to manually duplicate / create pages, since Webflow offers a template for each collection by default. In case you are storing users in Webflow or if you are taking an approach where each user in Memberstack is assigned to specific plans based on the educator they have signed up for. You could show / hide the lessons based on the plan the logged in user has as explained here. This would mean that with the same template that Webflow collection offers, users will be able to see the customized content that they personally have access to. You could also use Make / Zapier to automate creating items / collection based on your logic. Hope this gives you some ideas.
AJ how are you doing my friend? 😀 to create the gated content for each educator with CMS + the plans I have to create categories with the name of each educator and give that slug the plan with the specific name. Right?
Hey Boggan null, all good. How is it going?
I am not sure I understand the approach mentioned correctly. But I will give you an example.
You can have a webflow CMS collection for the users, one for the content (e.g. lessons) you want to host and one cms collection for the educators that you are planning to have on the site. You could have a reference field in the lessons collection which links to the relevant educator.
In case you are planning to have a single page where users will have access to the content they have subscribed to (via paid plans), you could have buttons or cms collection items with the data-ms-content attribute with relevant plan ID, so when the user is logged in, only elements which the user has access to will be shown in their dashboard.
By taking this approach you won't need to create a lot of pages manually and you can handle it via Webflow CMS template instead.
But if you want to take some other approach and want to know if that's possible, you could provide your example as well.
Excellent! Very clear.
And in case I want it to be more automated then I can create items with zapier so that the educator can do it manually by himself, right?
Yes that's very much possible, you can setup an automation to create items and publish them based on the flow trigger that you want.
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