How to set up passwordless signup with just an email and allow users to set a password later? Answered
is there a way to sign someone up with just an email? and they set a password later. I was thinking do passwordless signup so its just the email (i assume it creates a member on the backend) and they get emailed a code which they can use to confirm signup. A few questions:
- would that work? a user doesnt need to confirm there and then when they enter their email (but it may be confusing if theyre not expecting a code to confirm sign up)
- what happens if they go to sign up/login in future - can they set a password easily then?
- if i just did a 2-step form with normal collect email and then second step set password - does a member get created on the backend?
- any other ways i could do it
Hey Ben Tossell, I will share a couple of things that comes to my mind regarding your use-case:
That being said, I think if your use-case is to minimise the user friction while signing up and you still want to offer password & passwordless options to login; your best bet would be passwordless sign up form with code (this signs up the user without having to set a password right away and it also verifies the member simultaneously, which will remove additional verification process if you have enabled it for your site to access content).
And to provide them an additional option to set a password (at times when they don't have access to their email account), you could include this password setting step in the onboarding stage via profile update form where you can intimate that they can also set a password if they want.
Hope this gives some ideas.
Hmm yeh interesting. I don’t like passwordless to be honest but just thought of it as a way to just have “enter email” field for signing up. We don’t actually verify sign ups atm. I need to think about this more then
Yeah got it, as far as I have checked, I think password is still a required field for signups via normal form / dasbhoard by Memberstack with the exception of passwordless ofcourse.
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