How to set up iDeal payments in Memberstack and Webflow when SEPA is the default? Answered

Post author
Wit Starling

Is there a resource on how to set up Memberstack in WF, for iDeal payments? I know for subscriptions it will default to SEPA.
I've OK'd iDeal as payment in MS, tried using the WF cloneable, but it makes no sense/doesnt work. I need a dummies guide pls.



  • Comment author
    Raquel Lopez

    Did you check this guide?

    Is your Stripe set up as based in the Netherlands? Stripe allows some payment options depending on the territory if was initially configured

    Or are you currently based in the Netherlands?

  • Comment author
    Wit Starling

    I'm based in the US. Client is based in NL

    The clients stripe is also NL

  • Comment author
    Raquel Lopez

    Try using a VPN before accessing to checkout that says you're in the netherlands 🤔

  • Comment author
    Wit Starling

    Got it, so to clarify, no code needed - I just need to make sure it's set up in MS, then I can use the cloneable and it should offer that method?

    How does it know how much to charge/what the product is selected? I feel like there are many steps I'm missing here - hence needing a step by step

    This is a talk to me like I'm 5 situation

    I have 0 experience in MS btw

  • Comment author
    Raquel Lopez

    Got it, so to clarify, no code needed - I just need to make sure it's set up in MS, then I can use the cloneable and it should offer that method?

    According to the docs, yes. You need to enable the payment in MS and your clients should be located in Netherlands to see it.

    How does it know how much to charge/what the product is selected? I feel like there are many steps I'm missing here - hence needing a step by step

    Before accessing to checkout the user should have clicked on a button to purchase a premium plan. Heres a guide on how to set it up. But memberstack has a lot of documentation that you can refer back if you dont understand something, in video o in writing. 🙂

  • Comment author
    Wit Starling

    We have the plans set up, but I'm not sure how to adjust the cloneable - this is where I'm stuck I think. As I'm not using the component from the MS- or is the WF cloneable basically the same thing as copying a component from the MS UI?

    So I just go in and change the attributes?

  • Comment author
    Raquel Lopez

    The clonable is just a shortcut. Memberstack is thought with low-code in mind for usual tasks like login, signup, add a plan, update profile and all that stuff. Whatever step you need it would take probably just an attribute. You can look into any clonables and you will see the ms attributes there.


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