Building dynamic meal subscription website Answered
Hey all,
Have a client which has asked me to build a dynamic meal subscription website using Webflow + Memberstack.
They are a meal subscription company.
You choose how many days you want to eat from them and which meal times. So if you chose 1 breakfast meal and 2 dinner meals you would only be allowed to choose that many meals from each category.
Then you choose different meals to create your own plan, get them delivered to your door and you can change the meals/plan as and when you like.
The tricky bit for me is when someone updates their plan as the new meals will have a different price, therefore the user needs to be charged a different amount which is calculated when they select meals.
Not sure if we need a backend
Is this possible? If so, how difficult would it be?
Okay got it, so the choice depends on the user everytime and it may lead to different packages based on what user selects, meaning you can't have fixed plans for this use-case with a fixed pricing.
Have you considered Stripe for this use-case? I believe they have options for dynamic pricing checkout and it will calculate the total and have a one-time charge for the user probably. Maybe that would help.
Exactly yes, which for me is the tricky bit as I've only used Memberstack for set tier pricing plans which are more straightforward.
I've suggested using Stripe but only as the payment gateway. How would it work in your suggestion?
I also think the available meals can change week to week A J
Yes, Memberstack can handle plans of any recurring type or also handle one-time payments if the plan prices have a fixed set of pricing.
Since I have not yet dealt with dynamic pricing of this level, I am not sure about the core specifics, but I am guessing you might need to take a look on what Stripe has to offer by going through the documentation and API and see if custom code would help you in this use-case while integrating it with a payment portal.
Ok thanks for your help. That sounds like it's outside my skillset so will try and find an alternative solution.
My original idea was to convert Webflow to Shopify as they would have an app but I'm not sure about that either now!
I think you can build this with Webflow and a custom backend (coded) using stripe as payment gateway.
Yes that would be great
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