Webflow e-mail forms and Memberstack
Hi there,
I'm building a newsletter site with Webflow and Memberstack to allow my users to create accounts. It works well, love the product!
BUT, I have a question: If I have users that DON'T wish to create an account but only receive the newsletter. Can I still use Memberstack to collect just an email and use that to have a third party tool send an email to that user? In Webflow I now use the standard forms to collect emails for the newsletter, but the problem is that it doesn't recognize Memberstack user e-mail and you can submit the same e-mail 100 times.
Hey Nicklas Glad
Thank you for posting. There is no way to do this using Memberstack without creating a member however, you could do something similar if you made a free plan called something like "Newsletter Only" and assign those emails to the plan. Then you can filter out those members when doing anything.
Hey Josh, thanks for the reply! But the user would still need a username and password right? I’d like to make it possible for a user just to sign up for a newsletter using his email.
Did Memberstack talk directly with MailChimp or do you need Zapier to link them?
Best, N
I dont think this use case is possible right now. You would need to use Make or Zapier to talk to Mailchimp.
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