How to import existing member data into Memberstack without creating duplicates when importing hashed passwords from external CSV? Answered

Post author
Manuel Ogomigo

Hi has any one use the import tool to import new members.
If the member id match, does it override the data, or create new ones?

Too scared to test it on this project and have to delete duplicates πŸ˜…πŸ™



  • Comment author
    Raquel Lopez

    You can import only one member (that id matches) to test. The wizard guides you every step of the way

  • Comment author
    Duncan from Memberstack

    It will not override or update existing members. Those matching ideas will error out. (We may change this in the future)

  • Comment author
    Manuel Ogomigo

    Yeah good idea πŸ‘

    Duncan from Memberstack Oh looking forward to seeing that, would be an awesome update

  • Comment author
    Mike Mott

    I have a password import question for anyone. Can I import hashed password from a non-Memberstack .csv file into Memberstack? Are they compatible?

  • Comment author
    Raquel Lopez


    According to the docs, Memberstack support hash password as a column when importing.

    However you can do a small test importing one user that you know the password of, and then attempting to login just to make sure it works.


  • Comment author
    Duncan from Memberstack

    I'm pretty sure it only works with Memberstack passwords, but it's worth a try

  • Comment author
    Bryce Drawe

    Hey guys I have a question about member uploads! So I have a client that has thousands of members in stripe and when we kicked off the project, they just wanted to upload the active subscription paying members from stripe to be put into Memberstack.

    However, they are running a promo that is now getting previously deactivated members to re subscribe. However, since they weren't included in the initial upload, they can't log into the site until they are manually uploaded.

    What I want to do is to pull a full list of everyone from stripe and upload them in bulk into memberstack. Now my question is does Memberstack have the ability to filter out duplicates from what is in my upload file and what is already in the system? If so that would be so awesome! Thank you!

  • Comment author
    A J

    Hey Bryce Drawe, I am not very sure on how the conflict would be handled in this case. If it were a memberstack native export and import, it would cancel out any duplicates, but in case of stripe, I would suggest importing just one member for starters, who has a paid plan on stripe and is also present in Memberstack with the paid plan. You can see what's the behavior in that case and see if it fits the use-case as well.

  • Comment author
    Tyler Bell

    You can safely do an import. If a member with an email already exists in MemberStack, they won’t be reimported.

  • Comment author
    Bryce Drawe

    Awesome! Thank you Tyler! That saves a lot of data scrubbing!


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