Notification email for newsletter automation Answered
Hi everyone! I want to send notification emails to the members every time there is a new CMS item within Webflow. What is the best way to do this? I have found notifications within the portal but I would like it to be by email. Thanks!
Why not try using Make for that automation?
Watch for created new cms item, then update cms item with member id, then publish cms item, and finally send the email notification to the person.
not sure what your structure is as I'm lacking context, but email can be withdrawn from quite a few places for the automation
Thanks! It's essentially an email meant to notify all members that a new article has been published in the portal. I guess I can skip the step where the CMS item is updated with the member's ID, right?
Oooh, so you’re trying to create a newsletter automation! Why didn’t you say so 😁
I’d say the easiest way is to take mailchimp or some supplementary tool for mail list creation. Fill it out with existing mails.
Create an automation where when a new member joins, you add the email into the mailing list.
Then create an automation where when an article is posted, you are sending an email to your whole mailing list.
Does that make sense? 🤔
Yes, absolutely. Thank you! I thought possibly there was a native alternative for this.
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