Distinguish Private users and companies Answered
Hi guys I have a question for those who are experienced with membestack. I'm working on a project where I need to distinguish two types of users.
Private users and companies, how can I do this with memberstack? it can be done ?
Hey Robert Albastroiu, in case both users are not differentiated via plans, you can set a custom field to store the type of user in Memberstack and can filter when needed based on the requirement. If you are using Webflow or similar platforms for front-end, you can also push this data to the CMS, in case you want to personalize the front-end view based on the type of the user.
the project involves the registration of private users who do not have paid plans, it is free while companies have to pay, I would like to try to separate the user data with the companies' data
Okay so if the segmentation is fixed that all private users will have a certain free plan say Plan A and all company users will have a paid plan say Plan B. You could very well filter and view the users in the dashboard via the selected plan.
If the plans are fixed, you could filter the users based on the plan itself since its easier that way.
Even if in future, if the there are more specific users in free and paid ones and you want to track them, you can create custom field in future and run one time sync to fill the type of user field.
.g. if currently there are 2 plans
plan A - private users
plan B - company users
You could just select the plan type in the filter in the dashboard to view those specific users.
You could select multiple plans in this filter if you want as well.
But in case you have numerous plans for company users, selecting each and every plan in the filter might be time-consuming, in that case you could consider having a custom field setup where you push the type of user as 'Private' or 'Company' and can search for these type of users in the dashboard
so for private users it will always be free for them you advise me to use the free plan?
I use webflow so I have to make two different registration pages
Yes, I would assign free users a free plan anyway as it helps in bifurcating and provides the flexibility to add gated content and more.
Thanks so much for the advice, I'll try to implement everything
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