Cancelling or downgrading Memberstack Answered

Post author
Abbey Burtis

We’ve made some platform changes and are moving off of Memberstack. 💔 Not to any fault of Memberstack’s, I’m continually blown away by this product and team, just needing to simplify our tech stack a bit due to limited resources.

That said, are there any recommended best practices prior to cancelling/downgrading? I’ve download member and plan data and we’ve migrated to a new stripe instance so all members are technically “canceled” and we no longer leverage the site memberstack was connected to.



  • Comment author
    Chukwudi Onyekwere

    I'm sorry to hear you're moving away from Memberstack. Here are some recommended best practices to ensure a smooth process prior to cancelling or downgrading your Memberstack account:

    1. Backup All Data: It seems you've already downloaded member and plan data, which is great. Ensure you also have backups of any custom fields, metadata, and integration settings that might be important for historical records or future use.
    2. Inform Your Members: If you haven't already, communicate the changes to your members, especially if they will need to take any action (like setting up a new account or updating payment information on the new platform).
    3. Check for Active Subscriptions: Even though you've migrated to a new Stripe instance, double-check to ensure all subscriptions are indeed canceled or transferred to avoid any unexpected charges to your members.
    4. Remove Integrations: Disconnect any integrations between Memberstack and other tools or services, including webhooks, API connections, and third-party apps.
    5. Remove Memberstack Code Snippets: If Memberstack code snippets or SDKs are embedded in your website, ensure they are removed to prevent any errors or loading issues on your site.
    6. Cancel Your Memberstack Subscription: Once you've confirmed that all necessary data is backed up and all integrations are disconnected, you can proceed to cancel or downgrade your Memberstack subscription.
    7. Post-Cancellation Check: After canceling, it's a good idea to monitor for any unexpected activity or issues related to the cancellation for a short period.
    8. Feedback: If you're willing, sharing feedback with Memberstack about your experience and the reasons for your decision can be invaluable. It helps the team understand user needs and may guide future improvements.

    Even though you're moving away, remember that the Memberstack team is here to assist during this transition. If there are any specific actions or steps you're unsure about, or if you need further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out.

    We wish you the best with your new setup and hope that maybe, in the future, there might be an opportunity to welcome you back.

  • Comment author
    Abbey Burtis

    Thank you! Honestly, I don’t have much in terms of constructive feedback. I think the biggest pain point was the migration from 1.0 to 2.0, but we worked through it and the team was a huge help (outside of their scope). Our biggest challenge was really in Webflow, we just don’t have the time or resources to manage and website is not our main priority, so could do without a lot of customization. I truly think so highly of Memberstack and how much you guys can accomplish, the speed you move, and the robustness and stability of the platform for such a small team. I’ve worked with a lot of other vendors with small, young teams that are even bigger and have yet to come close to the experience I’ve had with Memberstack. If for any reason I need this type of product in the future, it’ll be my first choice.

    Everything y’all build, from the product to the documentation and beyond is extremely simple and intuitive. I think the thoughtfulness and thoroughness of your response is a really clear proxy to Memberstack overall. All the love 💙

    Lmk if I can invest lol

  • Comment author
    Chukwudi Onyekwere

    Thank you for your kind words! 🙂


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