Customised dashboard based on user's personal info Answered

Post author
Jeroen Kwaad

If I ask during the onboarding 'what industry are you in?' and they say for example 'Medical' - would it then be possible to create a customised medical dashboard for them?

For context I have a dashboard right now that features multiple collection lists, I would like for people that selected 'medical' that those collection lists get filtered by the category 'medical'. Is something like that possible? ๐Ÿ˜€



  • Comment author
    Abdullateef Ademoye

    Yes itโ€™s possible Jeroen Kwaad, you can checkout finsweet collection filter or you use custom JavaScript code to handle it

  • Comment author
    Jeroen Kwaad

    Thanks Abdullateef Ademoye!

    I already have jetboost's filter but how can I automatically do it based on something they provided during the onboarding (that is stored in their custom fields)?

  • Comment author
    A J

    Hey Jeroen Kwaad, have you tried storing the onboarding selection value in Webflow CMS as well, perhaps for each user, you could have this field?

    If you store it, then you can use Jetboost filter with CMS and link the filtering mechanism.


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