[Wishlist] Is it possible to add more information to a Token?
Hi everyone,
I'm building a Node backend that has some endpoints that should require a Member to be logged in and others that need both the Member to be logged in and also have one or more Plans linked to them.
For this, I made a middleware that handles Authentication and then another middleware that handles Authorization, that way I can manage what endpoints can be called in a flexible way. But I've noticed that I have to call the verify method and then also retrieve the given Member data just to grab the plan they have from the planConnections array.
It would be really nice to be able to add/remove data, like which plans does a Member have, directly from the token that can be decoded on the backend.
1 comment
Thank you for posting Christian Vásquez
We dont have this in our current dev roadmap but i do see how this could make things easier.
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