Migrating Users to Memberstack Without Stripe Customer IDs: CSV Import or Admin SDK?
I've transitioned my site to use Webflow + Memberstack from an older version.
In the previous version, we managed user subscriptions (both free and paid plans) using only the subscription start-date / end-date and plan type stored in our database.
I have a CSV file exported from DB with details of the existing users, but it doesn't include the Stripe Customer ID for any user.
I need to migrate all these existing users to Memberstack and manage their subscriptions, including both free and paid plans.
Que: Is it possible to do this without having the Stripe Customer ID?
Que: Should I import members using the Import from CSV approach, or would it be better to use the admin SDK to create members programmatically?
Thank you.
What's the best way to import users from an existing subscription based site via CSV? Specifically I'm wondering about handling remaining time on an annual plan - is there any way to create a user in Memberstack, add our full annual subscription, and to set the expiration date to the correct value (ex: existing user has 4 months left on old site, we want them to still only have 4 months left in the new Memberstack-powered site)?
Hi Erik,
Here's a documentation from Memberstack that might be able to help you on your task. First, you would import your Stripe plans to be able to use them in Memberstack https://docs.memberstack.com/hc/en-us/articles/7403136380571-Importing-Stripe-Products
And after that, you can read about importing paying members https://docs.memberstack.com/hc/en-us/articles/7789851571099-Import-Members-via-CSV-Free-Paying
Just remeber that when importing is only for create new members (not updating).
I would suggest initially importing less than 10 members when doing the first import to make sure all is in order before commiting to import all your member base.
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