Manually assigning Premium plan to a user Answered
How can i manually give a member a Premium plan? They paid through invoicing rather than stripe... How can i do this?
How can i manually give a member a Premium plan? They paid through invoicing rather than stripe... How can i do this?
Create a free plan and call it something like Manual Premium (cause you added him there manually) with same permissions as the premium. Add him there
Still, this is not very convenient imo cause you will have to manually add and remove members and manually tackle billing
Hope that helps you somewhat 😳
Glad I could help! And likewise. If you need any further help, you know where to find me 😁
what if i have items i already im using data-ms-content = "paid-plans" on , but i would like to show this value to X-plan i just made .... How i go about doing this?
copy paste the link, and change the attribute so that it is visible only to the new free plan
But this is my issue:
In dashboard i write "Premium" and "Basis" user under username,
Im trying to to show the text "Premium" to manually upgraded users (WHICH WORKS)...
But then how do i hide the "Basis" text for these users? Because i set it up with data-ms-content: paid-plans & free-plans
Any idea how i fix this Evgenii? im stuck
I'm trying to remove the main plans from these manual upgraded members, and just add manual added premium plan to them, but then they cant logg inn...
Try adding a forgot your password link into the login page and using the following attribute on that link
well if they cannot login using their credentials, the best way is to have them reset the credentials, no?
Omg, bro im logging in backend from memberstack
it dosent require password
Basically my issue is around showing/hiding content based on their plans, and since i have to give a new group of customers who upgraded to premium manually... I have to make a new plan for them... and show/hide items all over again just for this user group...
Because right now its super easy! I just use data-ms-content:free-plans for newbies
and data-ms-content:paid-plans for premium members
But this will not work with this new group of manually upgraded members
Here is a Premium item i want to show to paying members: But adding "data-ms-content" 2 times will not work.
Copy paste the element and give different attribute
Hmm.. I see what your saying.. But is there other solutions aswell? Our dashboard is quite javascript heavy.. Meaning it's not just to copy/paste a component .. We have to rewrite alot of code
Loom video:
Future reference this article explains a few different options.
2min video with a possible solution
Duncan from Memberstack here is a 2 minute respond hopefully you can clearify how to "hide" certain items
Why not possible to add paid-plan manually?
Hey there!
The answer is in the video Duncan has sent you.
You can invert the functionality of data-ms-content.
You did the following to show "premium":
Inverting that in order to not show 'basic' would look in the following way:
Basically, adding the ! in front of your value in data-ms-content attribute literally means "NOT"
So you're allowing this to be seen by people who are NOT in the plan under "long-value"
Does that make sense?
It makes sense, but i'm trying to hide text saying "Your on free plan!" ... I managed to solve the Premium solution by wrapping...
I try this:
Inverting that in order to not show "basic" would look in the following way:
I have members who have paid plans in stripe, canceled plan but still can see items with data-ms-content = paid-plans
Is this a bug?
Hmmmm... Great question. If they paid and then cancelled, they will see this until the end of the month if I'm not mistaken (they still paid for the month). This is the hypothesis I have as I'm not getting more context out of the message. I might be wrong though. Julian Galluzzo might you have some ideas here?
Evgenii Tilipman pls check:
Basically, when giving data-ms-content="field-id" members with canceled plan can still see this field
is a glitch?
Dosent make sense, i have premium badge i want only want to show to Premium memberes (Manually & through stripe)
1. Stripe version
2. Manual upgrade
But every member i have can see the cotent with data-mscontent='pln_meglerbasen-no-premium-manual-v08b0rhb'
The custom plan is not hiding for memebers which dosent have that plan?
You need PhD to pull this off...
I think maybe im using the wrong Plan ID for content-name ?
I have been putting Plan ID inside content-ms-data, does this work?
See plan ID on the right side...
Can this be used inside data-ms-data?
No, this is for adding payment plan. You need to get attribute from gated content I believe
So basically, what I am getting is that this is not working for the person who has no manual plan
Question: How did you set up your manual plan? Is it a separate plan with separate gated content?
Josef Eines Assuming your premium plan is recurring...
That will allow your member to be on your actual premium plan. All the paid data attributes will function normally 🙂
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