Failed to create a member in Memberstack Answered

Post author
Brad Poirier

HELP. I’m having a problem updating member when I have the exact member ID.

Failed to create a member in Memberstack
[400] There is no member with this identifier. (code: generic-message)

  • This was working perfectly while in TEST mode on free plans.
  • Now, in LIVE mode, we tested it with a REAL plan (using real credit card)

First thing I had to do was change the zap trigger from “NEW MEMBER” added to “NEW PLAN ADDED”.

  • It wouldn’t work any longer with new member

I re-mapped all the fields.
Now, I am passing the webflow ID back into memberstack (previously worked fine)
But it keeps saying on zapier:
Failed to create a member in Memberstack
[400] There is no member with this identifier. (code: generic-message)
What is happening??

Also, I don’t know why its saying ” failed to create member”… the step I am on is “update member…”



  • Comment author
    Tyler Bell

    Did you update your api key in Zapier to use your live mode key?

  • Comment author
    Brad Poirier

    you know what… i just did before you sent that… and voila… that worked.

    The weird thing is: some of the data was still working as far as the trigger goes. so it was a false sense of working that it pulled the data but couldn’t write it.

    Thansk 🙂 marked as solved.


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