Questions on Premium course template Answered

Quick questions,

  • Can we create more than one course in the premium course template?
  • Can we use Vimeo instead of Vidzflow in the premium course template?
  • Can we change the pricing plans in the above template?



  • Comment author
    Julian Galluzzo
    • Not by default with the way it's set up, but you could definitely customize it to work like that
    • Yeah!
    • Yeah!
  • Comment author
    James Pravato

    Hi I was about to ask similar questions.
    I am scoping out a project to create a multi course e-learning solution. The idea being users can purchase individual courses from a library of content or purchase a full subscription to all the content. Do you know of any similar projects to this that have been made with MS and Webflow?? The Course Template looked a good starting point but would need to be for 30-40 courses. Any help would be amazing thanks 

  • Comment author
    Nicolai Amirzadeh

    I duplicated the Course template I bought on Memberstack over to my existing website, and I can't get the "Complete" lesson button to work. I've set up the CMS elements correctly.

    Has anyone else had problems with this, and found a fix? It's very important that when members re-join the dashboard they can see their own progress.

    The ms-code-mark-complete="{{Lesson Identifier}" attribute is also present for the check mark beside the lesson name in the side navigation.

    I managed to fix the button, it was just that the class was called "Button 9" instead of "Button". But, it still doesn't make the checkmark on the right side.
    Got it to work as well, it was just missing a "yes" class 
    Only thing left is to make the user get redirected to the next step
  • Comment author
    A J

    Yeah probably if you store the next step slug in the CMS, you could link to the code which handles the event after the button is clicked.

  • Comment author
    Nicolai Amirzadeh

    In the template(memberstack) I bought it told me to add the next step here. Should I use that? and will it require custom code?

  • Comment author
    A J

    Yes this next step link is right for the front-end and when you mark a lesson complete, it probably shows you a block in the top of the page where the link of next lesson is shown.

  • Comment author
    Nicolai Amirzadeh

    Oh okay, let me try doing some custom js then.

    Fixed it! GPT did a weird solution though. It just checks their current URL slug, and then just +1 it :D

  • Comment author
    A J

    Haha it would work as long as your steps follow the same convention.

  • Comment author
    Nicolai Amirzadeh

    yeah luckily it does 🫠


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