Combine/ Export members between 2 Memberstack apps Answered

I'm looking for a way to combine 2 Memberstack apps.

We have recently combined our platforms for a better user experience (originally the businesses were very different, now they are the same) and now I have a lot of people with subscriptions on one memberstack app that I want to move to the other so they can easily flow through the pricing tiers.

It's okay if we have to do this manually, but I just don't want them to have to resign up for a subscription.

Any thoughts?



  • Comment author
    Duncan from Memberstack

    Hi Breta Alstrom 👋

    I think you'll need to export from one app and import them into the other. The issue is their passwords will not carry over. You'll need to send them an email letting them know its time to create a new password and direct them to your forgot password page (or create a dedicated "Set a new password" page for your migrated members.

    All that said... Josh Lopez do you know if there's a way for us to migrate Members from one app to another?

  • Comment author
    Josh Lopez

    Members with free plans are easy by using the export feature. Members with paid plans is not possible currently unless the other app has the same stripe account.

  • Comment author
    Breta Alstrom

    Josh Lopez They do use the same stripe account!

  • Comment author
    Josh Lopez

    Thats good news! I think this can be done.

    Just talked to Tyler Bell, he said you would need to export from one and then delete all the members where you exported. Then you would import into the other app. If you dont delete from the where you exported then it will error because it thinks there are duplicates.

  • Comment author
    Breta Alstrom

    Okay, so I just need to delete from the app right, not from stripe?
    If I import them, will their stripe accts resync?

  • Comment author
    Josh Lopez

    Correct, export from appA and then delete all members from appA. Import the members into appB. If they dont auto sync you would need to click on the resync with stripe button on the members page.

    Also make sure you have the appA plans in appB. Because they are the same stripe account i assumed you already have done that but thought I should bring it up just in case.

  • Comment author
    Breta Alstrom

    Hi! Here is the issue I'm running into:

  • Comment author
    Josh Lopez

    Do you have test mode members still on the plan?

  • Comment author
    Breta Alstrom

    Oh yep! That fixed it! Thanks!

    Josh Lopez Thanks for all your help here - when I go up import the csv I downloaded from the other app - the columns don't match so I'm having trouble with the import, any solutions?

    Here is the error I'm getting (I reviewed the doc and I think I have all of the required info)
  • Comment author
    Josh Lopez

    I am trying to look into this, I havent seen it before. Did you get an email about the error?

    When you added the plans from the other app did you use the stripe import?

  • Comment author
    Breta Alstrom

    Yep! I used the stripe import

    I did not get an email about the error

  • Comment author
    Josh Lopez

    I think i know whats happening. The price ids are not in the app. When i looked in stripe for one of the price ids like prc_monthly-no-free-trial-mb1i00or I can find member with the msPriceId metadata it takes me to price_1P4ZGMANpxYKc8z0BZlBsJM8 but then on the next page for that price it has a msPriceId of prc_ohh-free-transfer-x0ez0na7 so what im thinking what happened is the ids changed somehow. I am not sure how that happened. I think we can fix this so I am going to escalate this. This may take some time to figure out unfortunately.

    cc Duncan from Memberstack Tyler Bell

  • Comment author
    Breta Alstrom

    Okay, thanks! Do you know what the timeline would be? We told our members they would regain access by Monday.

    I'm also happy to add everything manually if I need to to get it done on time if you had guidance on how to do that.

  • Comment author
    Josh Lopez

    Our engineering team bandwidth is low right now to be honest. I dont think they could fix this by monday unfortunately.

    I think you may be able to look up the different prc_ids in the export and do a search to find a member with it and then figure out what the new msPriceId is in the metadata and do a find and replace in the csv to update members. First make a backup file of the export though. It looks like there are about 7 different plans to update.

    In my example above it looks like prc_monthly-no-free-trial-mb1i00or has turned into prc_ohh-free-transfer-x0ez0na7. Did you update the name or anything to change the id?

  • Comment author
    Breta Alstrom

    No I just exported it as is. Okay, I'll see if I can do it manually.

    Thanks again for all your help though!

    I took screenshots of all of the old plans and id's in the old app so it shouldn't be too bad


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