Price:update feature Answered
I'm having an issue with the price:update feature and I feel like I'm not understanding something the full process here.
I added the attribute to the button, but it still takes them to the sign up page, where they can't sign up because they are have an account.
And the button also link to the sign up page.
how do I get them back to stripe to upgrade?
they should be clicking a different button with only the update attribute, that does not link to the signup page.
You can use gated content rules to hide each button from the people who shouldnt see it (so signed in users dont see 2 buttons)
Okay, I made a separate button, that is only visible to members logged in - what should it link to? They need to be redirected to stripe correct?
the attribute should handle that! 🙂
Also, that should only work if they already have a paid plan. If not, use price:add
"Price Update" question
Hi all, I'm using the "price-update" attribute to enable my users to change plans. I have all of the UI setup to enable users to switch plans and I am wondering if there is a way to use the "price-update" attribute without routing users through the stripe customer dashboard.
I also experimented with the "price-add" attribute in combination with some plan logic that cancels the existing plan when a user signs up for a new plan. This would also be acceptable, except that in order to checkout a user needs to pay for both their existing plan and the new plan.
So my questions would be:
Hi Robert, thanks for your questions.
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