How to set up a subscribe button in the signup landing page? Answered
Hi everyone,
We use memberstack as a member database for our saas app. Our website and landing pages are all in Webflow.
I would like to store in the metadata of a member from which landing page the sign up was generated.
My idea was to provide the sign up button on the landing page with a data attribute or similar. Is that clever? Otherwise I need a small snippet code in the header section of any landingpage with which a meta data entry is made on a signup via the page, right? What do you suggest?
Thanks a lot for your help :)
Hi Leon 👋 the exact solution is going to depend on your goals. But here are a few important things to note.
You can only set member metadata at once somebody is logged in. Meeting your code will need to live on a page or in a button after sign up. You may need to save the first page they visit to local storage and then pull it from local storage into their metadata.
Hey all! This might be a dumb question, but do any of you know how to do a subscription push within a sign up form? It's essentially a landing page with the signup already on it at the footer. (The button would say "Subscribe")
to add, I have an embed in the form that auto populates this, would adding a line here for the plan work?
I made a quick loom about what i'm talking about 🙂
Hey Alessandro De La Torre, in case you link each signup form to Memberstack by having the necessary attributes like data-ms-form="signup" for the form and attributes for email, password and custom fields if any, you can directly add the necessary plan / price attribute to assign each type of plan when the user signs up.
In case you are assigning a free plan, along with the signup form attributes listed here, you need to add data-ms-plan:add="plan_ID", as additional attribute with relevant free plan ID.
In case you are assigning paid plan, along with the signup form attributes, you could add data-ms-price:add="PRICE_ID" with the relevant price ID. This should ideally sign the user up on your site and redirect them to stripe checkout for the relevant plan as well. Hope this helps.
Thank you! I assume this would ideally work within a signup form [data-ms-form="signup"] ? (I'll put the real id of course.)
Yes, you can add the attribute to the signup form directly, i.e. where you add the attribute data-ms-form="signup", you could add the additional attribute for the price with the price ID. I can see you are adding it to the button as highlighted in the screenshot, but you could add this attribute directly to the form block instead along with the signup form attribute and it should work.
Got it! I didn't know I could double up on attributes!
Yes exactly, that's possible too as long as the attributes are unique.
AJ you just saved me from hours of work - thank you so much!
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