How to categorize different user types at signup without prompting for payment

Post author
Marcus Inquire

I am building a services website in Webflow where homeowners can purchase home services from providers. I have created a signup modal embedded in a Tab element so that each User Type (homeowner or provider) can select one of two tabs to the top of their signup form and enter name, email, password to create an account. 

I want to be able to designate each signup type as homeowner or provider and not immediately redirect the member types be a Stripe (or payment) page. The idea is that Homeowners will want to see the services before they pay for them. I want to be able to see the different types of user signups happening in memberstack

The only way i could think of this is to attach a plan name (homeowner vs provider) to each signup but I do not know how to do that without sendint them to payment page. I

The flow for each user type is as follows:
Homeowner: Click homeowner tab above signup form > enter signup details > build their business profile > set calendar

Provider: Click provider tab above signup form > enter signup details > select a provider > schedule time with them > then pay

How do categorize a signup as homeowner vs provider without prompting for payment.



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