Stripe payment missed by a customer. Answered
Hello, what happens if someone misses a payment in Stripe? How can I set up a specific time to block the account?
Hello, what happens if someone misses a payment in Stripe? How can I set up a specific time to block the account?
Hi Andres, that’s all handled in Stripe.
In Stripe you can go to Setting -> Subscriptions -> and then you’ll see settings that allow you to configure that behavior.
Kind of needing help with this asap please. When I have a member who's payment failed and stripe is retrying (the account is not cancelled), they are unable to login. This isn't user error, it has happened several times over the past few weeks.
Message from member
I have been trying to update my payment info…my card was canceled for fraud…but I enter my password and it doesn’t take me anywhere? I’m not sure if I have been kicked out for not paying. I thought maybe it was a password issue so I changed my password but it still won’t let me login.
I try log in as a user but it kicks me back to the login screen
If you have any ideas of how I can resolve this please let me know! Thanks so much!
it is gated content. my question is, why is it gated if the user isn't cancelled?
Let me see if I can explain
When that user tried to make a purchase but failed it entered in a limbo state (I guess). Stripe won't authorize the plan until a successful payment has been made, so let's just say that user doesn't have any paid plan.
Assuming your redirect url for the logged user is gated for paid-plans only (or a plan that the user doesn have), the server will throw an "unauthorized status", causing the user visiting the private URL to logout and redirect it to the logjn window.
The user not being able to pay the plan is not the cause for not logging in. The probable cause is that the redirect url for login is being blocked by a gated content (not compatible with users unable to pay).
The solution would be to adjust the gated content for that url accordingly (making it for free plans for example). Or maybe assign a specific redirect URL for that user to see if the unauthorized error "goes away"
I understand that the system is redirecting because technically the member is not on a paid plan in the limbo state. If I can't grant access to gated content for this state, I need help understanding the workaround, which I am not understanding.
Sure, I don't know the architecture of your site. So I'll give you a couple solutions that I think would work.
The first that I suggested was to adjust your main gated content. You look for the URL the users redirect and change the plan rules.
Another quick solution would be to change the redirect url from the specific member (for example to the homepage) (and later try it out by log in as your user to see if it redirected as expected)
ill try this out thank you
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