How to Secure HTML Hosted Content in Webflow with Restricted File Access for Paying Customers? Answered
I just wanted to gain a little clarity on Hosted Content, specifically HTML Hosted Content.
I get that it's "server-side" rendered but if we are attaching a file that was uploaded to Webflow and using that in the HTML, then, theoretically, that file can be searched for on the internet if they know the file name, correct?
The short answer is yes.
If you are adding a link to a file that is hosted on a public URL then you’re right - folks could access it if they knew the URL.
However, if that file isn’t accessible on a public page then search engines shouldn’t pick it up.
Got it! Thanks so much!
Hey everyone! I'm new here, looking forward to diving into Memberstack! We have a large number of assets we're working with on our website. I'm just getting started, but at first glance it looks like Hosted Content on Memberstack is only able to be managed one file at a time? What options are there for bulk managing Hosted Content / files? We don't want to restrict visibility to potential buyers for our use case so people can see the value in the assets we're offering, so it doesn't sound like Gated Content options will work for us. Thanks so much!
Hey Mike Swartz, just curious as to what is the use-case that you are trying to solve. As in, if you do not want to limit visibility of the assets, what aspect of the asset do you want to show to the potential buyers and what aspect do you want them to have access to after paying?
Hi A J! Thanks for asking. The difference is that paying customers should be able to download the asset whereas non-paying customers can't. That's the type of access difference we're looking for. Thanks!
Ahh okay I see. If the assets are in large number, maybe instead of hosted content links, you could try to show / hide the download button based on the data-ms-content="CONTENT-ID" attribute setup. Here's a detailed guide on how to do that. So you could have the 'buy' button show up on the page when the member is on a free plan or no plan and if they are on a paid plan, they will be shown the download button.
Got it - thanks AJ, that's helpful! I'll give it a look!
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