How plan redirects work when a user has two plans Answered
Can someone from MS clarify how plan redirects work when a user has two plans, e.g. one “one time” plan and one subscription?
I would have expected the redirect to be based on the plan that the user signed up for, but when I tested it this wasn’t always the case.
My situation:
I tested signing up to a paid subscription (without a plan level redirect) with the account of a user that had a one-off plan (with a plan-level redirect), and the thank-you page they were sent to was the thank you page for the one-off plan not the subscription they signed up for.
I have read the docs, and understand that this is probably due to the fact that the plan-level redirect for a one-off plan overrode the default redirect, even though the signup/purchase wasn’t for this one-off plan.
Is this the case?
If this is so, what is best practice if you have multiple plans? Make sure they all have plan-level redirects, even if they are the same redirect (apart from the one-off ones)?
I imagine I could resolve this by removing the plan level redirect for the one-off plan, but it will get messy to go in and add/remove them.
My expected behaviour was that the redirect after purchase would only apply to the plan that the user purchased, not a plan they had purchased in the past, but it seems like this isn’t how MS works.
On the plans page you’ll see a Plan Priority button.
It reveals a UI where you can change the priority of your plans.
If a member has multiple active plans, the redirect from the highest priority plan will be used.
The global default redirect will only be used if none of the plans they have redirects set.
Gotcha, thanks Tyler. But if the highest priority doesn’t have a plan-level redirect, the next plan-level redirect will be honoured, right?
OK got it. So best practice is to make sure that every plan has a plan-level redirect in order to not have any nasty surprises.
It still seem unexpected to me that a plan-level redirect for “checkout/signup success” would be used for a different plan. I guess it has been happening to quite a few members of mine without me realising….
Ah I see what you’re saying.
Hmm yeah that does seem unexpected.
I’ll chat with the team about that.
Cool thanks. I can completely understand the priority of redirects on login etc, but on signup it seems like redirect for the plan that the user has just signed up for should take priority, not one they might have signed up for several years ago,.
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