Gating cms items (individually) Answered

Post author
Marko Guzvic

Guys is there a way to gate cms pages separately? So when a user buys a cms item he gets access to just that item. Only thing I can think of is making a separate plan for every single item(25 to be exact and more to be added).



  • Comment author
    Shadi null

    Would be awesome to have a feature similar to the user specific redirect URL field in the dashboard. But to gate that specific URL to that specific member ID

  • Comment author
    Marko Guzvic

    Shadi null So I’m left with making a separate plan for every item? 🥲

  • Comment author
    Shadi null

    You could do the same with some JS on your page, but that would be less secure.

    I did something similar with dashboards so that the JS checks the logged in users memberID and references the CMS item owner MemberID, if they do not match it sends them to their own URL (via a custom field that holds their dashboard URL). If it does match then they can use their dashboard

  • Comment author
    Marko Guzvic

    The thing is I have pages(CMS Items) that are accessible to any user, but once you buy the item some content on the page should appear. So I’m looking to use data-ms-content… I really have no idea on what to do

  • Comment author
    Shadi null

    Julian Galluzzo Actually just a few days ago taught me about this really cool Hosted Content feature!

    Unfortunately you will need to break it down into separate plans, but you can make it so the button/content thats sensitive literally doesnt exist on the page (can be replaced with a placeholder when the user does not have the right plan).

    I think this might help your use case

  • Comment author
    Marko Guzvic

    That’s really cool, thank you!

  • Comment author
    Shadi null

    It’s MUCH more secure than data-ms-Content (technically it takes a few frames for the Content filter to kick in, so JS scraping bots can scalp all your gated data/Content it they put some serious effort into it.)

    Whereas with hosted Content the data is not rendered on their local device until they pass some Server side checks (like if they have the Right plan; member Account, etc)

  • Comment author
    Duncan from Memberstack

    I’m afraid you’ll need a plan/gated content for each piece of content 🤔 This sort of situation is the most compelling case for allowing admin to create gated content or plans via the API. Tyler Bell is this something I could add to the longer term roadmap? Could enable some new and interesting use cases.

  • Comment author
    A. G.

    Hi Marko, have you found out a working solution to your problem and wouldn't mind sharing it with us?

  • Comment author
    Marko Guzvic

    I have a separate plan+gated content for each CMS item.
    Add a field for a gated content ID.
    data-ms-content={CMS Field that contains the gated content ID}
    And just have a MAKE scenario that adds the plan for each CMS item when bought.

  • Comment author
    A. G.

    Thank you for your answer! So you put the gated content value in your CMS, place it somewhere on each CMS page and that value is different for each CMS item? Sorry for such a detailed question but I'm not sure if I understand you correctly.

  • Comment author
    Marko Guzvic

    Yeah that's basically it. I add a field named for ex. "Gated Content ID", and on the Template page you just gate content you want to be hidden with data-ms-content="Gated Content ID" <-link that field from the cms, meaning only users that have that content purchased(added plan inside of memberstack dashboard) will be able to see it.
    Feel free to ask more questions if I'm still unclear :D

  • Comment author
    A. G.

    Thank you soooo much! :D Now I get it :D

  • Comment author
    A. G.

    Marko, did you build a member dashboard which aggrgates all of the purchases so as the user can seen their own content? If so, did you gather all the links to the products on a user's page and use some filter to display only the purchased ones? I'm wondering which filter would do the job, any hints perhaps?


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