Access Gated Content via "View Page Source" Answered

Post author
Igor Shepel

I'm not sure, but looks like gated content functionality didn't work well.
Yes, if you check by inspector - you don't see it. But if you check page by 'view page source' - you're able to grab any gated content.
I think this happens because memberstack works only on front-end level and it's impossible to override content with scripts on 'view page source' state.



  • Comment author
    Duncan from Memberstack

    Hey Igor Shepel, you are correct 👍 Memberstack works client-side meaning the content is accessible if you know it's there and you know how to access it. 

    You might be able to use hosted content to solve this.

  • Comment author
    Igor Shepel
    • Edited

    Hey Duncan. Looks like only one possible solution for now.
    One question: looks like i need to delete content from webflow after move it to memberstack (if i want to use different member types access flow)?
    If so - it's a bit complex with dynamic data.

  • Comment author
    Duncan from Memberstack

    Igor Shepel that's correct. Hosted content really only works with static content. 


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