Access Gated Content via "View Page Source" Answered
I'm not sure, but looks like gated content functionality didn't work well.
Yes, if you check by inspector - you don't see it. But if you check page by 'view page source' - you're able to grab any gated content.
I think this happens because memberstack works only on front-end level and it's impossible to override content with scripts on 'view page source' state.
Hey Igor Shepel, you are correct 👍 Memberstack works client-side meaning the content is accessible if you know it's there and you know how to access it.
You might be able to use hosted content to solve this.
Hey Duncan. Looks like only one possible solution for now.
One question: looks like i need to delete content from webflow after move it to memberstack (if i want to use different member types access flow)?
If so - it's a bit complex with dynamic data.
Igor Shepel that's correct. Hosted content really only works with static content.
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