How to streamline SSO login vs sign-up flow with one button to reduce user confusion? Completed
question - we’re using SSO and our users are really confused by the login vs sign up flow (they try to login even though they don’t yet have an account)
has anyone found an elegant way to do this? ideally its one button and the system knows whether they are logging in or sign up based on whether the email already exists
Kristin Battaglini Maria Barrera 👋 I have good news!! This feature is now live 🎉
Members will automatically be logged in if they click on a social auth button in a sign up form.
It is also now possible to allow members to sign up via social auth login buttons. There's a new attribute you can add to your login forms and login modal buttons.
Hi Maria,
I suggest you have a page for login and another for signup, with a heading stating that. This way, users will know what the SSO would be doing hence eliminating the confusion.
Hey Maria, we have a roadmap item to improve this 🙂
I’ll look into when we might think it will be done.
yeah Chukwudi Onyekwere we have that but everyone gets confused 😞 - turns out people don’t read lol
So essentially you want…
signup to be login if they already have an account
login to be signup if they don’t have an account
thanks Tyler! is there a way to customize the errors now? It doesnt look like the translation for the “trying to login but i’m accidentally signing up and I already have an account” use case is working
Maria Barrera Quick update - more work/research is required, but Tyler and I had a chat about this today. The current plan is to change the default behavior of social auth buttons in signup forms. IF the member is new it creates an account (same as today), but if they DO have any account it will log them in.
We’ll post in #announcements when this is finished.
that is amazing!! thank you so much 💛
Thanks Maria! Duncan from Memberstack please keep us posted -- it's a big obstacle for us right now. Really appreciate your help advocating for this!
Duncan from Memberstack Do you have any updates you can offer on this work? I'm wondering if it has it been scoped and planned at this point enough for you to offer an estimate for when we might expect it.
Duncan from Memberstack Tyler Bell Can you share an update here?
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