I'm not tooooo familiar with how Duncan set it up, but I just watched his video and got an idea that may work.
If you want to have an option to get 5 credits, you can duplicate the scenario for 1 credit, make a new plan for "Buy 5 Credits" and then change the number of credits in the make scenario.
we have this form to remove a credit. These informations should be send via email after submit
Duncan from Memberstack I have now set it up as you have written. How can I filter it now which make scenario is used? When I just pay I get only one token https://fotaunited.webflow.io/member/dashboard
Filter at the first step based on credits - so, they will both watch for events, and then at the first step, you would filter based on whether credits = 5, or if they =1
hi Julian Galluzzo, Duncan from Memberstack, what do i have to do if i want to change the system from test mode to live mode? Can you help me here please?
All you need to do is: add your domain in the Application Domain section of your settings page, select the Live mode option in the dropdown beside it and click the Check icon to save your settings.
Hi Luca,
This issue usually occurs when you have the data-ms-form="signup" attribute in a div instead of the Form settings.
Are you by chance trying to use webflow native memberships at the same time as memberstack?
can you try putting the same form on another page with a different slug?
also, unrelated but i love the design of this site 🙌
sure, here: https://fotaunited.webflow.io/test
I think I figured it out - the email input attribute value is "e-mail", but it should be "email"
yes, it works! Thank you so much
No problem!! Let me know if anything else comes up 😀
The token system from the side was additionally built with Make. Do you know anything about it?
Did you build the token system from scratch or did you follow the tutorials that Duncan made?
from the tutorial
I have now built the first path correctly to buy 1 token. But there is a second offer with 5 tokens in the package. How can I create this now?
I'm not tooooo familiar with how Duncan set it up, but I just watched his video and got an idea that may work.
If you want to have an option to get 5 credits, you can duplicate the scenario for 1 credit, make a new plan for "Buy 5 Credits" and then change the number of credits in the make scenario.
Does that make sense? cc Duncan from Memberstack
i can try it.
do you have a way how the infos from the form can send via mail?
Yup +1 to what Julian suggested.
Luca Heuchert what info do you want to send via email?
we have this form to remove a credit. These informations should be send via email after submit
Duncan from Memberstack I have now set it up as you have written. How can I filter it now which make scenario is used? When I just pay I get only one token
Filter at the first step based on credits - so, they will both watch for events, and then at the first step, you would filter based on whether credits = 5, or if they =1
how exactly does this work?
which condition i have to use
You can use description, amount, or anything that identifies the purchase of 1 or the purchase of 5
thanks it works
Hi Luca,
All you need to do is: add your domain in the Application Domain section of your settings page, select the Live mode option in the dropdown beside it and click the Check icon to save your settings.
This article will guide you: https://docs.memberstack.com/hc/en-us/articles/7595262385819
Thank you!
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