Invite a Friend Modal - Exposes Member ID Answered

Post author
Elisei Miledin

Hey community!

I have a problem with a "Invite a friend" modal. 
I have a usual membership on my Webflow website, where the dashboard has ../members/mem_clou.. link.
But, modal generates invite link which includes this "mem_clou.." Member ID, so anyone who has this link can literally take the Member's ID, put it in the Dashboard link and get into other Member dashboard, just by knowning his Memberstack ID.
How it can be solved?



  • Comment author
    Duncan from Memberstack

    Hi Elisei Miledin 👋

    I recommend changing your URL structure so that the url does not exactly match the member ID.

    Are there any specifics to your step up that would prevent that from working for you?

    Otherwise, you'd need to setup a table which allows you to "abstract" the member id. But that's much more complicated. 

  • Comment author
    Elisei Miledin

    Thank you so much for your response Duncan from Memberstack

    I did exactly this thing, that was my huge mistake. Thank you for your time and response again!

  • Comment author
    Duncan from Memberstack

    No worries at all! I'm glad you asked since I'm positive you are not the only one 👍 I've set up a site like this myself once. 

    Have a great day!


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