Abandon cart still added as members, plus incorrect checkout shown to those users Answered
Hi all, I have two adjacent issues.
1) Users who abandon checkout are still added as members
2) Those same unpaid members, when using mobile, are taken to the original Stripe checkout page for the membership plan they are on, regardless of the plan they want to switch to.
For example, User A clicks signup to Plan 2, abandons checkout, and then wishes to purchase Plan 1. When they click signup for Plan 1 (or any other plan) they are taken back to the Stripe checkout page for Plan 2.
Again, this only happens on mobile, on desktop it works fine and they are taken to the correct Stripe checkout page.
Appreciate any help!
Hey Sam Willetts
The members are still members without any plans by design. You can send them abandoned cart emails by following this help center doc.
As for the members going to an old Stripe checkout page, you can add a data attribute to fix this. Use data-ms-price:remove="all" to remove whats in local storage. You can read more about this here.
I hope this helps you get on the right path! If not please submit a support request here.
Sam Willetts +1 to what Josh said for topic 1).
As for 2), I tried to replicate on laptop and mobile, but was unable to do so 🤔 Is there any chance you could record a video of the issue? I've tried a few different browsers, but it always works for me. Which is a good problem I suppose, but it doesn't help me to solve your issue.
Hey all sorry for not coming back here, busy times! I ended up getting it sorted, the issue was that I was using "add" and "update" incorrectly. I changed them all to "update" and it works perfectly now. Thanks!
Wonderful! Thanks for the update 😁
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