Implement notifications for posting new contents Planned

Post author
Marko Guzvic

Has anyone here got an idea on how to implement notifications when I upload new content?



  • Comment author
    Duncan from Memberstack

    Sounds like a candidate for a #memberscript-updates 😃

    Are you uploading new content to the Webflow CMS?

    And would you mind sharing where the notification should appear? + any other features. Pictures, videos, and real work examples would be great!

  • Comment author
    Marko Guzvic

    Yes, I’m using CMS to upload course videos. And I’d like to have a bell icon next to my name which on click opens a notifications popup/page which displays unread notifications. And when you have a notification I’d have something like a red circle showing that you have notifications.

    So totally standard stuff that everyone uses, for ex. twitter, facebook. youtube..

    How would I make it so when I upload a video a new notification would appear on every registered members account?

    I’m sure it can be somehow done with Zapier, but I was wondering is there anything Memberstack native that can help speed up the process? 🙂

  • Comment author
    Duncan from Memberstack

    I’m working on a tutorial now

  • Comment author
    Marko Guzvic

    Great to hear that! Thank you!


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