Webhooks drag and drop multiple files in webflow question! Planned

Post author
András Derzsy

Hello Julian Galluzzo!
I saw your amazing tutorials to create a drag and drop uploader in webflow using webhooks and filepond.

This one: https://www.loom.com/share/08cf6d4be0e845faa236af992c9279e2

I followed and it is working, thank you!

However, can you help to change it to be able to upload multiple files together?

Thank you very much!



1 comment

  • Comment author
    Duncan from Memberstack

    Hey András Derzsy 👋

    Just wanted to let you know we've seen your message, and added it to the list of possible MemberScript updates and additions.

    It's not scheduled for dev, but we'll get started when we see more demand. If you are able to find a solution in the meantime, it would be awesome if you could share it with the community here. Good luck!



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