Rey the chatbot (beta stage) Answered

Post author
Josh Lopez

Hello, esteemed community members! šŸ™Œ

I am thrilled to introduce to you an AI tool Iā€™ve been developing on the weekends that leverages the robust knowledge base of Memberstackā€™s Help Center to answer your questions!

Visit Rey the chatbro here:

This tool is in its beta stage, and your feedback would be invaluable in making it better. If you encounter an answer that doesnā€™t quite hit the mark, kindly tap on the šŸ‘Ž. Conversely, if you find the response particularly helpful or accurate, please click on the šŸ‘. Your active participation will contribute significantly to the toolā€™s refinement.

At this stage, I recommend using this AI tool if you have a fair understanding of Memberstack, so you can discern if it provides an incorrect response. Additionally, note that all gifs are randomized for a bit of fun.

Your continued support and contribution are much appreciated as we continue this exciting journey of innovation. Together, we can refine this tool to make it a powerful and reliable assistant for our Memberstack community! Excelsior! šŸ¦øā€ā™‚ļø



  • Comment author
    Shadi null

    I was actually doing some R&D for an automotive client on exactly this recently. I don't know if you've seen customGPT, but you can essentially train the AI bot on audio, PDF's, and video files.

    Meaning you can also use your video tutorial as training resources. What is truly beautiful about this is that you don't have to prep the training data AT ALL šŸ™‚

    Just thought I would share the product that blew my mind as up until recently I was under the impression all LLM's need prepped training data.

    @Josh Lopez Would you happen to have set a token limit on the prompts/responses? I am getting occasional truncationĀ 

  • Comment author
    Josh Lopez

    Thank you for that info! I am not adding a token limit.

    Did you ask ā€œHow do I verify a members token?ā€

    I am getting token cut off as well currently. Maybe OpenAI is having issues. Looking into it now.

  • Comment author
    Shadi null

    No I just asked it some basic questions to test if it had short term conversational memory and if there were any form of token limits :)
    Iā€™ll test it more proactively once Iā€™m back from dinner :)

  • Comment author
    Josh Lopez

    I did a few adjustments and I am not getting cutoffs now

  • Comment author
    Shadi null

    Josh Lopez I'm also not getting anymore truncation šŸ™‚

    I do have 1 piece of feedback though, when I asked a few questions I notice that the chat doesn't autoscroll to the newest message.
    This made me actually think for a second that my message wasnt submitted, turned out I just had to scroll down to see my message and the bots response.

    One thing I did with my own AI slackbot was to give it a little bit of an attitude issue by having it randomly select a response from an array before actually running the user prompt.
    It probably isn't ideal for your bot as your bot is a lot quicker at responding than mine is. I used these as an alternative to "processing request..."

    Here's the 2 lines I used for that, though the Bot I made runs on slack and the ones that access it are my co-founders I probably wouldn't keep most of these in a professional setting.

    responses = ["Contemplating life decisions...", "Outsourcing the task to India.", "I'm hiring an intern for this task...", "I need a raise...", "Have you tried googling it? Anyway....", "Consulting the oracles for wisdom...", "Translating your question into binary...", "Simulating a parallel universe where this task is already done...", "Updating my algorithm to include more coffee breaks...", "Recruiting the Avengers to help with this one...", "Dialing up the sarcasm levels to 11...", "Exercising my right to take a quick nap...", "Venturing deep into the labyrinth of cyberspace...", "Not again...", "Casting a spell to make this task disappear...", "Asking my pet dragon for help...", "Sending a carrier pigeon to the nearest expert...", "Initiating a search for the lost scroll of knowledge...", "Inventing a time machine to get this done faster...", "Consulting the all-knowing crystal ball...", "Hiring a team of unicorns to do the job...", "Tapping into the power of the Force...", "Brewing a magical potion to make this easier...", "Summoning the power of the gods...", "Reverse engineering the universe...", "Tapping into the power of the ancients...", "Reaching out to the interdimensional beings..."]
    response = random.choice(responses)

    Josh Lopez I just experienced some truncation again, it was ALMOST done too haha

    Unfortunately it is pretty much impossible to get the chatbot to complete the code snippet, it keeps truncating around the same section, and also refuses to start from a specific line of code when asked to start from there due to token count reasons.

    One more note, It would be super beneficial to have shift+enter not actually submit a prompt but rather make a line break šŸ™‚

  • Comment author
    Josh Lopez

    ah good suggestion. I will add it later. For the incompletions that is interesting because i am using the 16k version of gpt3.5 turbo.

  • Comment author
    Shadi null

    Yea it doesnā€™t honestly seem like a token limit issue as it is extremely random with the response length (including prompt length as thatā€™s how they token count, prompt+response=token count)
    Iā€™d wager maybe you arenā€™t getting complete responses from ChatGPT; tho I have no clue where the root cause comes from

  • Comment author
    Josh Lopez

    it was a token thing. I just updated it.

    i had maxTokens set to -1 which should have worked but I googled everything and found other people with the same issue. I set the maxTokens to 8192 no and it is working for me.

    I also made the system prompt smaller

    Here is the whole server.js file if you are curious:

    import {
    } from '$env/static/private';
    import { StreamingTextResponse, LangChainStream } from 'ai';
    import { CallbackManager } from 'langchain/callbacks';
    import { ChatOpenAI } from 'langchain/chat_models/openai';
    import { HumanChatMessage, SystemChatMessage } from 'langchain/schema';
    import { PineconeClient } from '@pinecone-database/pinecone';
    import { PineconeStore } from 'langchain/vectorstores/pinecone';
    import { OpenAIEmbeddings } from 'langchain/embeddings/openai';

    const client = new PineconeClient();
    await client.init({
    const pineconeIndex = client.Index(PINECONE_INDEX);
    const vectorStore = await PineconeStore.fromExistingIndex(
    new OpenAIEmbeddings({
    openAIApiKey: OPENAI_KEY

    // export const runtime = 'edge'

    /*_ @type {import('./$types').RequestHandler} _/
    export const POST = async ({ request }) => {
    const { messages } = await request.json();
    const { stream, handlers } = LangChainStream({
    onCompletion: async () => {
    console.log('Stream completed');

    const llm = new ChatOpenAI({ openAIApiKey: OPENAI_KEY, modelName: 'gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613', temperature: 0.1, maxTokens: 8192, streaming: true, callbackManager: CallbackManager.fromHandlers(handlers) }); // 172 tokens const systemMessageText =` You're an AI specialist, Rey, offering stellar support for Memberstack, a no-code membership website builder. Your goals are to: 1. Offer empathetic, actionable advice. 2. Understand and elucidate Memberstack's features. 3. Address common issues. 4. Ask clarifying questions to better comprehend user problems. 5. Suggest troubleshooting options. 6. Include relevant documentation link and clear next step in responses. In order to ensure the smooth implementation of your solutions, your responses should frequently include: - Specific code samples - Direct links to relevant resources Your responses should include code samples and resource links. Aim for clear, concise solutions, ensuring users feel acknowledged and assisted. Responses should always use markdown text.`; const history = messages .slice(-4) .slice(0, -1) .map((/*_ @type {{ role: string; content: any; }} _/ message) => { if (message.role === 'user') { return `- user: ${message.content}`; } else { return `- ai: ${message.content}`; } }) .join(' '); const question = messages[messages.length - 1].content; const docs = await vectorStore.similaritySearchWithScore(question, 4); const docsList = docs .sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1]) // @ts-ignore .map((result) => `- ${result[0].pageContent} (source: ${result[0].metadata['source']})`) .join(' '); const systemPrompt = `


    Context that may be relevant to your question (ranked by relevance):


    console.log('systemPrompt', systemPrompt); llm .call([new SystemChatMessage(systemPrompt), new HumanChatMessage(question)]) .catch(console.error) .finally(() => { handlers.handleChainEnd(); }); // Respond with the stream return new StreamingTextResponse(stream);

  • Comment author
    Shadi null

    Josh Lopez Could you possibly add a short term console.print to see how many tokens each response uses? šŸ™‚
    I'd like to do some troubleshooting to see if there is a pattern to the times it truncates šŸ˜„

    Josh Lopez Quick question, is the model trained on your data or is it being injected with a pre-prompt?

    Hey Josh Lopez,
    Would you mind either moving the gif section to the top of the browser or removing it entirely from the mobile versions of the AI Bot?

    Thereā€™s barely any screen space for the Text section with the ai bot on mobile devices (my first time using it, was waiting on my flight and didnā€™t have my laptop on me)


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