May 2023 - Progress Report 🎉 Completed
Tuesday, May 2nd 2023
- Began backend work for custom domain support. Will enable…
- ability to use memberstack across multiple subdomains
- ability to use your own domain for the social auth screens (Google being the biggest)
- ability to use your own domain for the SSO auth screen (instead of showing
- Front-end dev for the new “login as member” feature
- Updating Designs for the Profile Page CMS Integration based on feedback.
- Release a form UI kit sub clone - Radio button tables
- Release a new pricing table
Wednesday, May 3rd 2023
- Released hosted content feature
- Refactored Button component as part of a bigger clean up
- Create a 1.0 vs 2.0 comparison table
- Dashboard test cases
- Automate the Webflow showcased newsletter
- Continued working on custom domain functionality
- Began work on Login As Member feature
- Updating Designs for the Profile Page CMS Integration based on feedback.
- Release new login component
- Working on new template for crypto/gaming industry
Thursday, May 4th 2023
- Launched login as member feature
- Published tutorial for new AI Copywriter template
- Added the ability for attributes to be contained in secure content
- Fixed an issue with the admin API - live mode keys can no access test mode members (and vice versa)
- Fixed an issue were the default login redirect would sometimes return without a forward slash
- Fixed an issue where login with member was conflicting with concurrent logins
- Added return to checkout functionality/attribute
- Continued working on template for crypto/gaming industry
- Worked on designs for the Profile Page CMS Integration
- Progress on new Webflow library
- Worked on a more clean, readable templates page
- Released checkbox cloneable
- Released smart home dashboard template
- Released delete buttons with confirmations
- Released SaaS pricing page template
Monday, May 8th 2023
- Design updates to Icons to the Member’s Pane options menu (image 1)
- Design updates to the CMS integration feature (image 2 and 3)
- Built and released Display Expiration date for expiring plans feature
- Code base clean up
- Continued working on custom domain functionality
- Dashboard test cases
- Progress on a Memberstack Webflow library
- Release profile UI
Tuesday, May 9th 2023
- Creating a design for new DNS Settings feature
- Dashboard test cases
- Finished code base clean up
- Spec for Routing & Navigation requirements for Webflow app
- All the dashboard buttons are blue now
- Release another Form UI project
- Release notification page demo project
- Uploaded Product dashboard template
- Uploaded Crypto & Gaming template & Tutorial
- Made and uploaded MacOS Login
- Made and uploaded instant email validation
Wednesday, May 10th 2023
- Started building the new Dashboard page (image 1)
- Adding more description text to the dashboard
- Start spec’ing plan attributes
- More work on the Webflow library
- Spec & design new DNS Settings UI (image 2)
- Designing new Empty States for the dashboard (image 3)
- Auditing + improving our help center docs and developer docs
- Release another Form UI project shared borders
- Uploaded new login and signup screens
Thursday, May 11th 2023
- Frontend dev on the new dashboard homepage
- Backend dev on member profile images
- Designs for new Getting Started UI + Empty States.
- Designs for a ‘notes’ section to the Member’s Pane.
- Spec plan attributes
- Spec update payment attribute
- Decided to postpone Webflow CMS integration
- Made awesome new review template
- Launched new pricing table
- Uploaded CRM template
- Made and uploaded range slider pricing table
- Added language picker in site footer
Monday, May 15th 2023
- Working on the frontend for Dashboard homepage
- Working on the backend for member profile images
- Working on improved routing and performance improvements in the dashboard
- Designer for a ‘notes’ section to the Member’s Pane (image)
- Create code snippet that saves which social auth provider was last used selection to local storage article
- Shared a webflow UI rebuild for a mini-side project we’re working on
- Made and launched passwordless Airbnb sign up and login modals
- Made and launched Sign up form (T.RICKS validation + Memberstack)
- Made and launched apple dashboard
Tuesday, May 16th 2023
- More progress on the Webflow app
- Dashboard homepage
- Dashboard performance improvements
- Frontend dev on the new admin notes feature
- Updating design of the email and translation UI.
- Feedback on Dashboard empty states.
- Finalizing Member’s Pane notes designs.
- Finished designs for uploading profile images.
- Launched emoji profile pictures
- Made local directory template & tutorial
- Rebuild & document the Deel verification code UI
- Add template IDs to all of our existing templates
Wednesday, May 17th 2023
- Finished dev on Notes features #announcements
- Finished dev on new Dashboard homepage #announcements
- Integrating web sockets into dashboard (for real-time updates)
- New dashboard cloneable
- New LinkedIn Modal cloneable
Thursday, May 18th 2023
- Finished backend for new custom domain functionality
- Nearly finished backend functionality for real-time updates in the dashboard video
- Spec features for Webflow designer extensions
- Updating design of the email and translation UI
- Design for simplifying adding and editing gated content
- Finalized a plan to centralize and standardize all of the custom scripts that have been created since 2.0 launched
- “Redirect to attempted content” cloneable
- Released new component
Monday, May 22nd 2023
- Progress on the profile image functionality
- Progress on getting the dashboard to update in realtime
- Simplifying Adding and Editing Gated Content.
- Creating designs to display a member’s redirect setting on the member pages.
- Release a new Pricing table
- Create code to time-out a session after x minutes cloneable
- Released gate full articles cloneable
- Released detailed sign up form cloneable
- Created MemberScripts home page
Tuesday, May 23rd 2023
- Frontend work for custom domain/DNS settings
- More dev for adding profile images to the profile modal
- Improving Empty States
- Wrote article on checkout redirects
- Wrote article on using Member JSON
- Wrote article on advanced Member JSON
- Released add items to member json
- Released add item groups to member json
- Released save member json to local storage on page load
- Released update member json in local storage on click
- Released fill text based on simple json item
- Released create item groups from member json
- Released delay loading elements
- Made and released copy to clipboard
- Made and released real user based countdown
- Made and released hide element if custom field is blank
- Made and released Profile modal re-build
- Made and released elearning sign up
- Made and released discount modal
Wednesday, May 24th 2023 (and some before)
- added member last login date to member export CSV
- added backend functionality for member notes
- added backend functionality for custom domains
- created backend dashboard API endpoints
- created SSO custom domain hosted login screen
- created ability to host memberstack script on your own domain
- added data-memberstack-domain config option to webflow
- added realtime functionality to the dashboard home page and members page
- Finished new Empty States designs
- Working on profile image functionality
- Focused on building the new Custom Domain / DNS feature
- fixed an issue where logging out via the profile modal would not show a success message
- fixed an issue where deleting an app wouldn’t delete domains
- fixed an issue where some users would have to clear cookies to loign to the dashboard
- fixed an issue where test mode stripe products were not updating after plan updates
- fixed an issue where Rewardful’s double side incentive feature wasn’t working with Memberstack
- fixed an issue where the plan connection status would sometimes not relfect the correct status
- More test cases
- Released MemberScript #11 - Automatic login modals (Video, cloneable, script)
Thursday, May 25th 2023
- Access denied component released
- Login & Signup components released
- Like & Unlike CMS Items use case released
- Custom toast boxes (MemberScript 21)
- Save & Unsave CMS Items for members (MemberScript 20)
- Add search to the MemberScripts page
- Fix a few bugs on the Members page
- Released to-do list use case for new scripts
- Released add items to JSON groups on click
- Released filter JSON item groups
- Released create loading state on click
- Released refresh page after set duration on click
- Design - Adding Disconnect to Stripe Settings.
- Design - Adding New Redirects.
- Collecting new blog content ideas - have an idea? We’re all ears
- Link populated by custom field
- iFrame populated by custom field
- Truncate text script
- Completed v1 of Custom Domain feature
- Refactored the CodeBlock component
- Uploaded 7 new videos to youtube
Tuesday, May 30th 2023
- Release a few gated content UI one and two
- #22 - Disable submit button until required fields are done
- Gaming login
- Fashion signup
- Fashion login
- Product satisfaction survey
- Grid based dashboard
- Fixed bug on Email Translations
- Started working on the dashboard UI for Member profile image
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