Mark members as verified when importing? Completed

I have a multistep signup/onboarding process. Step 1: create account, Step 2: verify email, Step 3: add more user information, Step 4 (optional): book an enrollment call.

The problem I'm having is if someone creates their account on one window or on a phone, and then opens their email in another place, the Verify Email button will bring them to my Step 3 form, and they will fill it out, but because they aren't logged in that data won't go into memberstack. I tried putting step 3 as gated content, but then the user is asked to log in, and then the log in redirect doesn't bring them to step 3 and instead to their user dashboard. I could change the redirect to point to step 3, but I dont want users everytime they log in to go to step 3. step 3 is only for signup/onaborading purposes. Not sure what to do.

Is there anyway to fix this with redirects or have a user be auto signedin via the verification email?



  • Comment author
    Julian Galluzzo

    Hey Felipe, could you send a link to your signup so I can test it out?

  • Comment author
    Felipe Izquierdo

    I was losing user data, so I ended up turning off verification required to complete sign up. So I still don't know how to do what I described above, but now I'm leaning towards not requiring verification to complete signup, and simply showing an email verification banner at the top of user pages if users aren't verified. Essentially what I was missing from memberstack was a way to have memberstack check if I'm logged in on any given page, then either bring me to the log in page or even more ideal prompt a log in popup, and then on login not redirect me to the regular log in redirect, but to the page I was already on.

    Speaking of verification, is there a way to include verification when importing members? Right now if I add a new member manually, they immediately get a verification email, I don't want this since these are existing users with verified emails.

    I thought of turning off email verification for a few minutes, importing members, and manually checking 'very email' for each, and then turning email verification on, but I'm worried that when i turn off email verification memberstack will remove verification from all other users, or once I turn it back on it will re-send verification emails to other users. Does that happen? is there a way to import verification in a csv? or whats the best way?

  • Comment author
    Julian Galluzzo

    Tyler Bell Is it possible to mark members as having verified emails when importing?

  • Comment author
    Tyler Bell

    hmm I don’t think so but I can easily add that!

  • Comment author
    Julian Galluzzo

    A very niche use case I feel like, but also an extremely valuable one 😀


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