Pricing Tab Switch Not Working Answered

Post author
Doc Waller

Hey folks!

Anyone have a hint as to why the Pricing Tab Switch may not work on a page?? I've copy/pasted this pricing table directly from memberstack components, but when the switch is clicked/pressed - it doesn't change between tab 1 and tab 2 as it should. 

It works fine in the demo, but when I paste it into my website - it fails. 

I do believe I have all the necessary code added. Any thoughts/tips!?? Any input would be greatly appreciated!



  • Comment author
    Doc Waller

    Looks like I got this fixed. 

    What I had to do was delete old instances of Switch elements and Switch On/Off Triggers. Essentially, start fresh and copy/past again. Seems to be working now!

  • Comment author
    Doc Waller

    Loving memberstack! Can't wait to launch next month for LYFE At Home.

  • Comment author
    Duncan from Memberstack

    Thanks for posting the solution Doc Waller! I appreciate you taking the time 🙏


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