How to redirect users to the original page after upgrading from a gated content area in Webflow and Stripe? Answered

Hey guys - I have implemented a lifetime premium membership. I saw on hotjar a website visitor create a free account then went on a piece of content which was gated. He then decided to upgrade on my “upgrade” page, where they clicked my “upgrade account” button (it took stripe payment). However after payment it took them to my member onboarding flow which this user did already. How can I prevent this and just redirect him to the page he originally went on before trying to upgrade?



  • Comment author
    Julian Galluzzo

    Hey Oliver! Would you be able to make a loom video outlining what did happen, and what you want to happen?
    I've got a few ideas for how to fix it, but need more clarification so I don't steer you in the wrong direction 🙂

  • Comment author
    Oliver Cordingley

    Hey Julian Galluzzo I cannot replicate the problem as it’s after the paywall + new member

    But I would be grateful if you could share those ideas of what could cause it

  • Comment author
    Julian Galluzzo

    Sure - first question, member onboarding was already done, so that's where you redirect people on signup right?

  • Comment author
    Oliver Cordingley

    After member’s are sign up they are redirect to onboarding yes


  • Comment author
    Julian Galluzzo

    can members immediately get a paid plan, or do they have to get a free plan first?

  • Comment author
    Oliver Cordingley

    They can immediately get one as well - but most don’t

  • Comment author
    Julian Galluzzo

    Simple recommendation for you: follow this tutorial/method

    But change the script on your success page to check if the user has completed their onboarding (through the final custom field in Memberstack)

    If that field is empty for the user, redirect them to /welcome. If the field is not empty, redirect them back to the page they were just on

  • Comment author
    Oliver Cordingley

    Thank you for sharing this and love the logic - but I can’t seem to find the code that helps with that? Am i missing something obvious 😅

  • Comment author
    Julian Galluzzo

    The base code is in this cloneable and described in the video, but the extra bit i mentioned about redirecting based on the custom field would have to be done custom - if you're not proficient in js I'd be happy to add it to my list of cloneables to make 🙂

  • Comment author
    Oliver Cordingley

    Ahh i see julian - thank you - and yes please this would be super helpful for members who have gated content + onboarding flow

  • Comment author
    Julian Galluzzo

    Oliver Cordingley going to see what I can do today!

  • Comment author
    Julian Galluzzo

    Hey everyone!

    Oliver Cordingley had a request which led me to making this - it's essentially conditional logic for signup redirects!

    For example, if you want your signup redirect to change based on whether or not the user has a custom field filled out (in this case, onboarding), this is a great way to do it!

    Here's a link to the resource & tutorial!

  • Comment author
    William de Broucker

    Great feature Julian Galluzzo !!
    Do you think it would be possible to use the same logic for a multi-step onboarding ?
    I was thinking in using several custom fields : onboarding-step-1, onboarding-step-2, etc.

  • Comment author
    Julian Galluzzo

    William de Broucker thank you!!

    I do! My thinking with that would be to use the last step in the onboarding to apply the logic, so it would check if the last step is completed and decide to redirect from there!

    If that would work, no changes to the code would be needed - but there are plenty of other ways to do this depending on the use case 🙂

  • Comment author
    William de Broucker

    great idea the last step !

  • Comment author
    Julian Galluzzo

    If you're trying to implement it and run into any issues, let me know!!

  • Comment author
    Oliver Cordingley

    This is awesome! Thank you Julian Galluzzo 🎉🙌🙌

  • Comment author
    Julian Galluzzo

    Oliver Cordingley no problem!! So glad it helped 🙏🙏

  • Comment author
    Graham Ferguson

    Hi All,

    I have created all my basic pages and have the login, sign up and pricing pages all configured with custom attributes etc and gated content set up. Based on the re-directs at signup or on-purchase users are sent to my dashboard. At this point they are just users however and on successful sign up I want to send them to the pricing page where they have to sign up for a plan where they should then be re-directed. I don't see a way to do this - any ideas?

  • Comment author
    Julian Galluzzo

    Set the default redirect to be the plans page, and set the paid plan redirects to be the dashboard 🌝

  • Comment author
    Graham Ferguson

    Julian Galluzzo Thanks, using the generic SaaS template it is looking to use /flow-templates/path even though I have set up the default re-direct they are being ignored and I get a page cannot be found error

    Also on this form:
    1. hCaptcha is disabled in memberstack settings but still appears - In my signup form hCaptcha shows up but in the memberstack dashboard I have this disabled
    2. The fields do not appear to reset on page load
  • Comment author
    Graham Ferguson

    ok got this sorted - for some reason the Memberstack code was no longer correct on the site

  • Comment author
    Tyler Bell

    If you don't have hCaptcha enabled in the dashboard, you can safely delete the hCaptcha element from your signup form.

    I'm assuming you are using a custom form, and not our prebuilt signup modal.
  • Comment author
    Graham Ferguson

    Ok - I am using the Memberstack built generic SaaS template

  • Comment author
    Josef Eines

    How can i redirect a member after they have signed up and purchased a premium plan? So after stripe payment they get redirected to X

  • Comment author
    Julian Galluzzo

    Click the plan in your memberstack dashboard, and then set the redirects on the plan level!


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