Price error on checkout with custom attribute Answered
Hi Once again,
We have added the custom attribute to our CTA on pricing table ( data-ms-price:update="PRICEID" ) Still we see the error price doesnt exist. So can someone help us to link it to the checkout where users can pay? 🙂
Members need to first be signed in for these prices to work, so make sure you add the redirect URL as the sign up page
from there, it should redirect them to signup, and then immediately after redirect them to checkout
Currently, Our userflow only allows the people who are signed up with us.
THe pricing table can only be accessed when you are signed in. Am I missing here something?
try to change it to "price:add" instead
When I changed it to the data-ms-price:add and click on cta of pricing table, It now redirects me to a wrong URL 😕
For me it's still showing price doesnt exist
The pricing table can be found on the CTA under the sidebar menu option Woche 1 > Dimmschalter > bottom of the page
this is the url right?
Yes exactly, the link looks correct but when I click on it, I am redirected to 404 page 😦
you seem to have different buttons for mobile and for desktop, if i click it on mobile i also go to a 404
Is there something I need to change there?
the mobile button had a URL which doesnt exist, and also doesnt have any data attributes applied
Could you please send me the screenshot of the button you are reffering to? Am sorry for the trouble
check the navigator panel, see how there are 2 buttons and one of them is hidden?
And no problems 🙂
Is that navigator panel for pricing table page? 😊
yeah it is, if you click the button it should open to that part in the navigator
Actually its not needed. So we just need the CTA to be linked 😀
This is how our memberstack look like
We have not added any redirects yet.
for me, the basic plan button on desktop works perfect but the others dont
If its not too much efforts, Can you share the video recording so I can see it once? 🙂
I also, changed custom ID for all buttons, But still It doesn't work from my cellphone sadly 😕
Could you please confirm if it works from your end please 🙂
I mean the new buttons with the new value
for me still nothing works besides basic plan on desktop
Is there any way to resolve this issue? 😕
As we are shifting from WordPress to Memberstack it is very new for us
Heres what i would do:
Okay sure, I'll try these out and let you know if there's anything 🙂
THank you so much for your support!!
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