Adding a 'e-sign' document Answered
Hey guys, after finishing up with my project, client got a few requirements related to the payment flow.
so basically, she wanted to add a ""e-sign"" document (jotform or something similar) before the user makes any payment of plans, is that something possible (as of now I added price ID directly to the CTA)
The easiest way would be this IMO:
This way, the payment link is virtually inaccessible until they sign
There are likely more elaborate and "proper" ways to do this, but to me this sounds like a quick and effective solution
good idea Julian Galluzzo ! Another idea would be to let members signup without a plan then take them to the jotform, then take them to a page where they can upgrade/add a paid plan. You might also be able to use some custom code to update a custom field on the member like “jotform-submitted” to keep track of what members have completed. If a member has completed the jotform and they dont have a paid plan you could contact them to upgrade.
Agreed with Josh! Definitely a more secure option
Thanks team, It's kind of solution I was looking for!
Hey Josh-Lopez so was stuck after zapier step,
Flow I kept is when user clicks on plan CTA, redirects to the jotform, when they submits it, via zapier, I updates a custom field : User consent received [success here ✅ ],
now I want to remove the jotform URL from Plan CTA & add a data attributes only if custom field = User consent received
this might be not directly related to memberstack but looks like I need to check member's custom field via some JS code, is that possible?
Hey Dave Rajan, you're saying you want to hide the button if the user has that custom field set, correct?
reverse basically,
when a custom field has the value (in my case, I updates a custom field via zapier)
so when value is there, I want to show the payment button, or else redirect user to jotform embeded form.
Just found this article, is that something I can use it?
yep! Exactly this
looks like it's not working for me
Is the problem updating the custom field, or doing something based on that value?
Doing something based on the value.
so for example, I have like 40+ Plans of gym memberships.
to make payment for any plan, user should required to fill up the Jotform regarding their basic info & T&C to agree.
I created a zapier automation, when user fillsout that form, I updates the Custom field as user submitted
but when use this code, it's not working for all since ID's are multiple then inside the CMS
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