[Wishlist] A link to Sign Up from the Login Modal Answered
My motivation is to avoid creating multiple buttons for signup and login, and I like the way memberstack 1.0 modal allows users to select from login->signup, and signup->login; memberstack 2.0 modal only gives you the option signup->login.
It feels pretty simple to implement on Memberstack's side. The workarounds is I might create a custom form using your templates or just continue using your sign up modal which allows the user to also login from the modal.
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Josh was also able to help with some code that makes it possible to do this with the DOM API:
This came from the docs: https://developers.memberstack.com/docs/dom-front-end-package#open-modals
As well as searching cmd+k for how to add an button event listener.
/**please switch out the planID**/
const memberstack = window.$memberstackDom
const loginButton = document.getElementById(“login-button”);
loginButton.addEventListener(“click”, () => {
memberstack.openModal(“LOGIN”, {signup: { plans:[“plan...“, “plan....“] //must be free plan id }});});
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