[Wishlist] Memberstack 2.0 Completed

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Memberstack Team

[This post was migrated from our old community roadmap]

We're rebuilding Memberstack, launching a small private beta for developers, and releasing a 10x more powerful version of Memberstack.
We're rebuilding Memberstack (In progress)
We've learned so much over the last 2-years, and it's time to rebuild.
1.0 was a great MVP, but it's simply not able to scale with our team. It's going to take a few months, but Memberstack 2.0 will ship with new functionality like multiple membership plans, permissions, and more advanced APIs. In addition to those massive new features, we're going to be a 100x better place (not an exaggeration) to work on features like social login, a Paypal, OAuth, more UI's, more front-end packages for frameworks like React and Vue, and so on!
During this time we'll focus our development efforts on launching 2.0, get feedback from professionals who've been building with user auth and payments for years, and invest our non-technical time into hiring more product people.
Releasing 2.0 is our primary focus
We'll need time to replicate all of Memberstack's existing functionality in version 2.0. This sucks. But it's the only path we can see at this point if we want to get to the rest of our roadmap in a reasonable amount of time.
This sucks because most of our development resources will need to go into version 2.0. It's quite likely that you, our current customers, won't see any major feature releases until migration day. Which, should feel like feature Christmas. In the meantime, we'll continue to support all of our existing customers, fix bugs, expand the team, and find other ways to be of service.
Launching a Developer Program
We've learned a TON over the last 2ish years, and plan to incorporate all of those learnings into 2.0. We know what to build, but we also know constant feedback is essential when building a product that's usable and actually useful.
To keep things efficient while still receiving a steady stream of feedback we've decided to launch a waitlist and solicit feedback from experienced developers who A) are currently using Memberstack 1.0, or B) are industry-leaders in building web apps and websites.
Launch day & process
Learn more here.
Please leave your concerns, comments, and feedback below!



  • Comment author
    Duncan Hamra

    Making steady progress toward a limited beta release.

    Once the private beta is live, we'll start moving missing features from 1.0 → 2.0.

  • Comment author
    Permanently deleted user

    Hey all!
    Big Update: We are moving full-steam ahead with inviting Developers from our waitlist into the 2.0 Beta. 🔥🔥🔥

    The Webflow package is also underway and in development.

    We'll be sending out thousands of 2.0 invites to everyone on the waitlist (starting with developers) and the Beta invites are already on the way. Keep an eye out on your inbox!😍

  • Comment author
    Duncan Hamra

    Yes, the beta will be reserved for developers (for now).

    We'd really like to form a more general beta once the migration is complete so we can get new stuff in front of you all the time 😬 in the meantime, I'll share prototypes & mock ups in response to new posts on this website.

    I'm curious, what is it about being an early adopter that gets you excited?? I bet we can find some other ways to help each other out!

  • Comment author
    Corey Haines

    Is the beta reserved for developers? E.g. I'm not a developer but would love to be an early adopter. 🤓

  • Comment author
    Corey Haines

    Great! Just wanted to make sure.

    Personally I'm just insanely impatient so I want all the new stuff as soon as it's ready 😓 but I also love having a say in the roadmap and UI/UX based on my use cases. Super fun!! I'm empathetic to startups so I like giving constructive feedback rather than straight criticizing.😉

  • Comment author
    Duncan Hamra

    Thanks for explaining. 😊 I knew why I wanted you to join our beta, but figured I'd ask. You've been one of the most giving and open people we've had the good fortune to meet since starting Memberstack!

    We seriously appreciate you. I just hope we can find ways to return the favor! At the very least, pass it forward.

  • Comment author
    Joseph Amato

    Just curious: what scaling limitations have you found using Webflow? And when you migrate to React, what will you use as your CMS?

    I've never really understood how developers build custom sites without a CMS.

  • Comment author
    Duncan Hamra

    Hey Joseph! Because a huge part of our core product (the dashboard) is on the more complex side, we needed to setup a "real" development environment for running tests, allowing multiple developers to create and deploy to different branches, etc. Webflow was great while it lasted, but it's hard for more than one person to work on a project at a time 😓

    It also required a few hacky work arounds to make use of Webflow interactions. So glad we did it this way to start, but we're going to need a new custom application if we want to add new features quickly.

    As for the CMS, we'll continue using Webflow for the marketing site. Is there something else you were referring to?

  • Comment author
    make give live

    I'm keen to be part of the beta if possible. It would also be good to know if you have any plans in 2.0 to include real-time notifications; who's online, a person from NZ just signed up etc.

    I'll be using memberstack in webflow btw and it would be good to see an integration of pusher if possible or something similar.


  • Comment author
    Duncan Hamra

    Hello hello! First off, super excited to hear you want to join the beta 😬 If you haven't already, be sure to sign up here.


    For your other Q about real time notifications, would something like Google analytics help you solve part of that problem? Or are you imagining realtime notifications via email, slack, text, etc.?

  • Comment author
    Alex Kisielewski

    Hey - was wondering if Team Billing was going to be included in 2.0? Will be a game changer if/when this becomes available. New to Memberstack and so far been super impressed. Excited to see the new features. thanks, Alex

  • Comment author
    Duncan Hamra

    It won't be built in from the start, but we'll be in a much better place to add it. No ETA at this point. The speed at which we can build/release it will depend on how successfully we hire over the coming months.

  • Comment author
    mike gilger

    We have a community going live on March 20th, and I am building everything now. How much will change between Feb. 21 - March 20th? And will 2.0 launching cause issues with 1.0 being live?

  • Comment author
    Duncan Hamra

    Hey Mike! We don't expect to launch Launch 2.0 before March 20th. The 2.0 launch will not cause issues with 1.0 being live. We have a few different plans at this point, but all of them are very intentional about not causing any issues for 1.0 customers who are happy with 1.0. There may be some minor website side updates required, but we'll share more as we get closer to the migration.

  • Comment author
    Bruno Boehm

    will 2.0 also integrate changes to the backend (e.g. bulk update/delete of members)? Have a specific client site in mind planned for end of March that could benefit from 2.0, hope this planning can hold!

  • Comment author
    Michael Badger

    Would like to know if 2.0 will allow for more common ecommerce functionality beyond memberships? I really want to consolidate all of my single products purchased by members under one platform. I do not sell memberships but each member has a unique dashboard and gated content based on the products they purchase.

  • Comment author
    CC T

    Please incorporate PayU or other payment gateways that do not ignore the latin American market like Panama, Costa Rica and Colombia. Big markets with payment gateways that are always ignored.

  • Comment author
    Evan Joyal

    This should be a game changer. Memberstack is great but it is missing a lot of key functionality, especially in the way of user authorization. (building dashboards for client-worker relationships to work together)

    I assume the new memberstack should make this possible? It's not possible afaik, or at least not easily.

    Most important question: WHEN? When can we expect 2.0 to come out? Of course you don't know for sure but is this something that will take a few months or a year+?

    Also please... PLEASE.. will there be a way to process payments in escrow between site users?

  • Comment author
    Al Mazlin

    I'm currently blocked by the limitations of MS v1, and I'm trying to make a case with my advisors to stick around and wait for v2. Are you able to confirm for me if MS 2.0 is likely to solve my problems?

    1. You've said that multiple memberships are coming in 2.0. Will there be a limit on the number of memberships we can create or that a customer can hold? (Will this be a premium feature?) We are wanting to sell individual book titles, and we currently have 36 that people could purchase on a mix-and-match basis. Each one would enable access to that material. Is that going to be a problem?

    2. Will there be a way of charging VAT/Sales tax to people from certain countries (e.g., EU) but not others? Or will there be an easy integration with another service that will do this for us? (This would probably be preferable.)

    3. Can you please confirm that the login limits (by IP) will be removed, or made optional. I believe I still cannot have a whole classroom log into the website without being told to “wait a minute”. It's a small thing, but makes MS completely unsuitable for my use as kids go back to in-person teaching.


  • Comment author
    Duncan Hamra

    Improve development speed by migrating our dashboard to React.

    1. The problem/situation → Memberstack's dashboard lives inside of Webflow. This was useful when Tyler and I were a 2-man team with plenty of time for things that didn't scale. This is no longer the case!! It's impossible to scale, testing is difficult, there are workarounds for days, and most importantly it's slowing us down.
    2. Why is this important → Our product roadmap and development speed have a huge impact on our users' product roadmaps.
      We need to be able to release features as quickly as possible.
    3. Possible solutions →
      ✅ Raise money to hire people
      ✅ Hire another backend/full stack engineer
      ✅ Hire a frontend engineer
      🤔 Hire more engineers (leaning yes)
      ⏲️ Rebuild the entire front-end in React (In progress)
  • Comment author
    Ryan Smith

    Launch modals via JavaScript

    Since I'm using a client-side rendered react app, I need to call the "MemberStack.reload()" function in order for your js to properly register to elements that react adds to the page.

    This works, but probably would be a lot cleaner/easier if I could just launch the modal directly via JS instead of having to reload memberstack every time react re-renders a new button that has a link to MS functionality.

  • Comment author
    Permanently deleted user

    Quick progress update: We're officially in a private Developer Beta with a handful of developers starting this week. 💯

    Our next milestone is to move into a private Alpha for Webflow users, so we'll keep you posted on updates. Thank you all for being patient, we promise it'll be worth the wait! 🙌

    Big Update: We are moving full-steam ahead with inviting Developers from our waitlist into the 2.0 Beta. 🔥🔥🔥

    The Webflow package is also underway and in development.

    We'll be sending out thousands of 2.0 invites to everyone on the waitlist (starting with developers) and the Beta invites are already on the way. Keep an eye out on your inbox! 😍

  • Comment author
    Serena Rockey

    Is the V2 going to include a way for an existing subscriber to participate in the free trial of a different membership from the one they are currently subscribed to? It's been such bad business to tell existing subscribers that only NEW folks can get two free weeks for the more expensive subscription.

  • Comment author
    Duncan Hamra

    Yes! 👍 Anyone is eligible for a free trial when going from a free plan to a paid plan. I need to confirm what happens when going from a paid plan to a paid plan... tbd


    You can create an account with 2.0 here.
    We have a new Slack Community, a new Help Center,
    and a bunch of new Templates & Cloneables.

  • Comment author
    Thomas Seiger

    Honestly I feel quite disappointed by this new version. It feels like a Webflow-Merch with very narrow capabilities for those who were building on a variety of no-code integrations with make.com or zapier.

  • Comment author
    Duncan Hamra

    Hey Thomas 👋 You are correct that the new version of Memberstack is 100% focused on Webflow and React.

    A few years ago, we got very excited about the idea of building a product which could work anywhere (caard, duda, SS, WP, etc.) and it ultimately became a distracted for our small team. It's a big part of why it took so long for us to make improvements.

    95% of our customers use Webflow or build custom applications, so we've decided to simplify, focus, and build the BEST product we can for people who are building with Webflow and/or React.

    All that said, we also have new Make and Zapier apps that work with 2.0.


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